
Whom do i marry an Architect or a Shopkeeper???

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I am in great dilemma.Please please help me.

This shopkeeper guy is very handsome,loves me very much,owns a house.

Where as the Architect guy is honest, doesn't love me as much as the other guy,lives abroad,not-so-goodlooking,hot tempered.

Both want to marry me, i kinda like both....but time has come to take a call....i don't know what to do please help me...

I hate to break any one's heart....i don't know who it'll be....please help me...




  1. Don't take the one with the Hot Temper, been there, done that.  

  2. If you're not sure who you want, you're not ready too marry either one.

  3. Shopkeeper...

  4. Go with the stronger love. The shopkeeper. Love, beyond all else, reasons out.

  5. Well money is not everything, but being happy is everything. And I am worried for you about the Architect having a bad temper, because that is not good girl. I wish you would be more in-lighting of more information. Like ages and cultures, race.

  6. What does your heart say?? You don't marry someone because you didn't want to hurt theirr feelings.You marry for love, understaning friendship, trust and can you see yourself spending the rest of your life with this person.

  7. Marry the one that you really love and want to spend the rest of your life with.

  8. The architect has a hot temper, why even bother with a man like that when you have a shopkepper who sounds like he will love you forever.  Plus you wont wear yourself out always being on your best behaviour and trying to please the architect guy.

  9. Only you can follow your heart and not your head. It sounds like you are not ready for marriage so don't commit yourself yet. You also don't say how long you have known each guy. Are looks really that important to you? Would you want to move abroad? Leave your family behind?

    Even though you don't want to break any one's heart I would go for the shop keeper. If you don't love both definitely another sign that you're not ready for marriage. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, remember.

    What about leaving yourself open for a third guy or choice?

    Don't do anything.

    You also don't mention how old you and the guys are.

    Can you support yourself?

    Definitely a red flag when you say that you only like both.

    Go your separate ways is what I would do.

  10. well do what your heart tells you go for the one you love and don't let him go because you wont be happy with the person that you don;t love fallow your heart..go with the one that loves you!!! and you love back...


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