
Whom do u like better , Miley Cyrus or Vanessa Hudgens?

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Whom do u like better , Miley Cyrus or Vanessa Hudgens?




  1. Vanessa Hudgens look better, but Miley Cyrus is more appealing

  2. neither

  3. I pick Vanessa Hudgens even though she posed nude. But I pick her also because she learned her lesson and never did the same again. but MILEY is doing it constantly!

  4. miley cyrus

  5. Miley...

  6. Miley Cyrus! She's a really got girl with talent

  7. Definitely Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cirus is annoying and ugly!

  8. Neither, you can't make me choose!! YOU CAN"T MAKE ME!

  9. i love miley cyrus. no matter what she did. vannesa hudgens got naked in front of a camera with all her stuff out in private when she knows its gunna end up on the enternet. on the other hand, destiny(miley) did it with a blanket. she didnt reveal herself like vannesa did. miley cyrus is still young and vannessa knows what would happen.

  10. none of the above.

  11. Why compare???? but if i had 2 choose i would say miley because she seems more shes a christian and is more grounded (even if she took those pics) the age is a big difference 2.

  12. Vanessa.  She did one scandal, while Miley did so many at a younger age and in front of a photographer and family and friends.  Vanessa did it with only one person that she actually knew. Plus, HSM is better than HM!!!

  13. Miley

  14. vanessa

  15. Miley.

    I never hear anything about Vanessa,nor am I much of a fan of high school musical so other than that I'm not familiar with her work.

  16. i hate both of them but MILEY IS ACCEPTABLE EVEN THOUGH i HATE HER

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