
Whom do you admire more, your mother or father, and why?

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Whom do you admire more, your mother or father, and why?




  1. I love them both, of course. My I am a total Daddy's girl. I love how my dad is always proud of me, always pushes me to excell, and has so much interest in my life. My dad is also one of the funniest guys I know, and the reason I have me sarcastic wit. I also look around and see so many friends who don't have fathers, and if they do, they aren't the type of dad you want around. So I want to say THANKS DAD!

  2. love em both but my mother for sure!!! That lady has done anything and everything she could to give me and my 5 SIBLINGS a great life!! she works her *** off and whenever i want something she goes out of her way to get it for me even tho i ask for too much!! but yea she,s an AMAZING women and i miss her (im in Mexico on vacay and she,s in houston so thats why)!!!!

  3. My mother, Cause my dad just sits on his *** all day LOL...

    My mother is like the glue thats holding this family together... I mean i love my dad, But he never really does anything that great anymore...

  4. Good question. I'm going to say my mother because she kept the family together. She introduced us to new things, worked outside the home, kept us looking good, and put up with my Dad's c**p. But on the other hand, my Dad was a provider so you could tolerate his c**p. I'm still going to say mother by 1 point.

  5. both

  6. My mum. She is awesome and holds our whole family together. My dad on the other hand, stays out all the time and has had affairs in the past even going as far as to walk out on us. Not someone I admire.

  7. my father, because he's not the one who left. and he's like one of my best friends. even though i do get mad at him for normal strict parenting stuff. hah.

  8. My Mother because she is open minded, kindhearted, compassionate, considerate, and so very loving in so many ways.

    My father...far from admirable, because he is cynical, racist, negetive each day about something, judgmental, hard-hearted, inconsiderate, rageful, and self righteous!  And I do not admire anyone who has these traits, especially if they consist of constant negetivity. And his persona does.

  9. my mom

    because im not too close to my dad. he does things that p**s me off just about everyday. hes rude,dull,and acts like everything is ok around his friends. etc....

  10. My mother because she's more supportive than my father, he likes spoiling the others and im stuck in the middle

  11. Neither. My mom is a drunk who hardly sees me and my dad is "dead" to me. I never knew him.

  12. Both, Because They've Taught Me Right From Wrong, And Both Brought Me Up In A Loving Family


  13. My Father because my moms a nut case =]

  14. whom: i hate them both. Why: cuz i do.

  15. Both. They are both so kind. Sometimes I prefer my mum, sometimes dad.

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