
Whom do you think is the best nba player and why?

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Whom do you think is the best nba player and why?




  1. steve nash,gets the job done!

  2. Lebron...he lead the NBA in ppg, he can blow by anybody he wants to. Need i explain the rest?

  3. dirk nowitzki is the best for me

  4. if this is alltime then its surely jordan,, but now gotta say kobe,, cuz he's the compelte package, like jordan, good shooter, defender, slasher, distributor, dunker, and both are clutch!!!

  5. Kobe Bryant. PERIOD

  6. Lebron james. He one of the strongest n biggest players while having the explosivness to drive to the net. He is unstopable driving to the net. Only weakness is his outside shots. But, i believe this year it will come to him and he will shoot 70%+ and will take the mvp.

  7. hands down ALLEN IVERSON, NEED I EXPLAIN WHY THE NAME SPEAKS FOR IT SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. the great kobe bryant

  9. I'm pretty sure majority will choose Kobe Bryant or Lebron James.

    But in my opinion, it's Kevin Garnett.

    Kevin Garnett is the complete package. He has great defense and can hit the shot from anywhere in the floor. He is a team player and plays with so much passion. Plus, he respects his teamates and staff.

    He is the definition of a great player.

  10. Well this is an easy question to answer.  Kobe Bryant is the best he was MVP.  Garnett and Lebron are close behind, but Kobe is at the height of his prime and he is dominating the game.  If Kobe got a healthy all-star with some good role players they will easily win it next year.  

    I use to hate on Kobe, but I don't mind him anymore since he helped get USA back to where we needed to be in the olympics.  I see him as the new Jordan.

  11. Barak Obama, because he dunked on Tyler H.

  12. Kobe Bryant. He is the most complete player in the league.  

  13. da king, if nash can get the job done, why hasn't he won a championship yet?

    In terms of the best active player, i think its Dwayne Wade. He's proven that he can take a team all the way to a championship. Now that he's healthy again, there's no doubt in my mind he'll bring in an MVP or a championship.

    If you mean all-time, than Michael Jordan. Nuff said.

  14. Kobe Bryant

  15. michael jordan because he is like a superman, nobody can duplicate his style and energetic in the court.

  16. Kobe he always stays in top shape he was the MVP plays great defense and has a great shot. If Lebron was  better at shooting he would be the best. If wade didn't have an injury he would have been an MVP candidate. But my favourite player is chris he will be the best player but he needs time to develop.

  17. Dennis Rodman, look at him. He is awesome.

    And Desiree likes it when he smacks other players on the ***.

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