
Whom you make your near & closest friends? like what factors will determine that has edge over others?

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Whom you make your near & closest friends? like what factors will determine that has edge over others?

I think most people make someone there closest one just because they feel they are like minded.

secondly, there IQ are more or less same.

They are financially better & nearly more or less equal.

or just because he/she has a great sense of understanding, honest,.hardworking,multi-skilled,introv... so on.

What will determine or what is specialtyality which makes someone you prefer to catruetruie friend?




  1. It isn't some sort of competition or checklist.  And the determining factors for me have nothing to do with lifestyle, intelligence or social standing.  The test of time will determine true friendship.  Until that time, all people are acquaintances.

  2. What did you ask? A real friendship & the way of being friend, right? NO! "Understanding" can't be the only criteria of friendship, rather the TRUST is important. ( I said same regarding LOVE!). As you were supposed to know that 'Friendship' is a kind of 'LOVE' or 'LOVING SOMEONE'-----then you have to admit the term 'TRUST'. So called 'Like Minded' or 'Financially equality' or anything else wouldn't become factor till you settle on TRUST. Look, I have an understanding with a robber that we will do robbery at such a time on such a date.....huh huh huh....that doesn't mean a friendship! By the way, let us suppose, my friend, a real friend, request me to help him & that's a ROBBERY case----er---well, I'll re-think on that. (Rethinking is to make him stay away from any notorious work).

    I wish I could play a Bangla Song regarding friendship!

    The lyric was "Only One Word Is There To Explain Friendship

    Which is spoken by tongue & heart at the same time, is FRIENDSHIP"

  3. The most important factor is understanding! I think its good to have your own space --so I prefer making friends who are not so needy in wanting to spend time always or who always needs attention.  

    understanding as a person to each other despite cultural & financial backgrounds

    understanding without the need to be competitive

    Also an important factor is loyalty! someone who wouldnt betray your confidence in them by telling others--but thats common sense in making friends

    I know its good to have lots in common---so you have more to talk about, more things to do ---but I think the understanding is most important!

  4. well the  thing is if you treat people like you want to treated you will have no problem making friends , friends share and grow I fifty five I have friends that I fault in the first grade we are still good friends  

  5. we think, talk, act and react on issues of concern...

  6. I'd like it if they were kind, honest, creative, reasonable, understanding, and willing to invest a part of themselves into me as a friend :)

  7. If we asked What factors that doesn't make a person your closest friend, then I 'd say :

    1st- Lying. A liar can never be a friend to start with.

    2nd- Intolerable degree of Selfishness ( which promote envy).

    3rd- Low sense of understanding (not to mention common sense).

    4th- High level of hypocrisy ( as opposite to honesty). Low level of hypocrisy is tolerated world wide, under different titles.

    These are the main factors. There are others, of course, but has nothing to do with the financial status of that person.    

  8. First and foremost, honesty.  I had rather somebody tell me up front what they really think than to go behind my back and talk about me.

    Secondly, things that we have in common, things we share.  

    Third, I have no use for liars or cheats in my life and try to weed them out, along with gossips.

    My definition of a friend has long been "a person who fulfills a need in me, and one that I fulfill in them."  I think that says it all.

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