
Whos Car is this now???

by Guest60353  |  earlier

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I put my 1995 dodge Stratus Es in a mechanic shop about a year and a half ago cause it would not fire, no spark to the spark plugs, he went and said the timing belts no good and that was the problem for sure, then said i had bent vales, then said i had a bad distrutor then a crank sensor, pretty much he was just replaceing stuff to practice! after it finnaly got running he wanted 2800 to get it out and was being strict on the payments, so i let it go, a year and a half later i get a mail saying my cars in the impound, turns out the mechanic let someone test drive it and the test driver got pulled over and the car got impunded been in their since 3-31-08 and they say i owe 1100 to get it out the impund. should i get this car out the impound and is it mine since he had no right to be driving a car thats not his? or can he still get it back from me? I wanna get it out the impund and keep it but i dont know if this is the right thing to do,




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    Car insurance is essentially insurance that covers you, your passengers, and your car in case of an accident. Most states require that car owners carry liability coverage in their car insurance policy. Liability insurance covers expenses incurred for damaging another vehicle with your own when you are at fault. This means that if you are in a vehicular-->accident and your car caused the damage, then the liability piece of your car insurance will cover the damages according to the terms of your policy.

  2. the right thing to do was to pay the repair bill on the car at the time you authorized the repairs, or to have taken some steps to try to come to a mutual agreement on the time line to pay for those repairs. Now after a  year and a half after the mechanic has gone after a mechanics lean title, you think you have a slick way to get your car back. no you will end up paying the bill to the mechanic plus his costs for title and storage. Bent valves after a timing belt failure is not unusual

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