
Whos are some of the great match commentators out there ??

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FOR super 14 of example - do u prefer the fox sport boys ie kearnsy and the 2 gregs clark/martin OR grant nisbett, murray mexted, john drake, etc

which lot is less biased??




  1. haha. Bill & Ben? haha. just jokin:)

  2. I prefer listening to the Kiwi commentators (Nisbett,Drake,Mexted,etc). Their comments are usually insightful and you feel like you're learning something new about the game whenever you listen to them.

    The Aussie commentators are biased, and with the Aussie teams struggling in this Super14, suddenly have very little to say (they don't speak or breathe for that matter without being biased!)

    Phil Kearns is fighting for worst rugby commentator of them all.He'll never beat Hugh Bladen from SA though!

    The South African commentators have to be the worst of the lot!!Take a bow Hugh Bladen! You've gotta be the worst sports commentator on earth!

    Thank your lucky stars if you can't speak Afrikaans,as half of them commentate in Afrikaans. Then you'd hear twice the irrelevant,boring,monotonous,biased drivel!

    Bill McLaren from Scotland would've beaten any of today's commentators hands-down!! Pity he retired.

  3. Bill McClaren

    Such classics as

    "Brian Moore is showing him the sole of his slipper" (Moore was actually then penalised for stamping)

    "There's a wee bit of Argy-bargy" (whenever there was fighting)

  4. The greatest commentator of all time is Bill McLaren.

    Pierre Salviac was an excellent French commentator until recently when his comments got more and more inane and he was eventually fired as he could quite easily have been commentating a day out fishing and regularly came up with phrases like "la maison a pris feu et la cabane est tombé sur le chien!" - ie. the house is on fire and the shed has collapsed on the dog - to signify a winger making a simple break on the outside.

    McClaren, however, never lost his touch.

    "His sidestep was marvellous - like a shaft of lightening". Any man who can successfully use the word shaft in a sentence, outside the context of mineral mining, and not make me snigger has got to be a genius.

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