
Whos better miley and mandy or selena and demi?

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i know theyre all great but i like demi and selena

they ROCK!!!





    this is like asking would you rather eat your own foot or or eat your own hand

  2. I hate Miley and Mandy and I dislike Selena and Demi.  Looks like Selena and Demi win then.

  3. neither.

  4. Clarissa explains it all!

  5. Demi and selena. But i subscribe to both

  6. i haven't slept with any of them so i don't know.

  7. i prefer Miley and Mandy

  8. Well. I love demi and selena. but mostly DEMI Lovato.I saw her in concert and she was awesome. well i guess that answers your question. lol.

  9. selina and demi are the new miley and mandy ;)

    selina and demi seem way more down to earth, and cutee.

    while miley and mandy are like trying to be badas*

  10. i like them both, why do we have to pick?

  11. MILEY & MANDY!

    theyy rock.

    theyr so much funnier aswell.

    much better to watch.

    love themm <3

  12. I agree with the third answer (Cindy), go to a fan site.

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