
Whos elses tired of Oboma walken around gaving speakes like Hes Marten Luthere Kang are somethang?

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Him a good talker cost he got colledge an he thank he special




  1. No marches on Thelma, AL lately though.

  2. i laughed at all the errors.

  3. I can see by your spelling and grammar that you went to a government school. How's the job at McDonald's going?

  4. Is this Obama???  c'mon, you can admit it!!

  5. wtg Twinkle toes.. laughter so early in the morning, goes good with coffee  : )

  6. Good god... please go to school and learn to spell.

  7. Don't hate because McCain can't give even a HALF-WAY a decent speech.

  8. He doesn't think he is, but the Rest of the World, including the leaders across Europe respect him and see him as the "Embodiment of two of our greatest leaders, MLK and JFK" I saw the Program were they were all interviewed. Putting McCain in, to them, valdiates everything Bush has done and all of his policies over the last 8 years.

  9. OMG.

  10. Two more months we have to endure this.  

  11. Try spell check!

  12. No.  I need to be inspire.  I need to know that world cares about me despite the fact that I am not old and white.  

  13. I be thinkin the boy muss be takin sumtin no what I mean

    usin all dem big words to make people thank he's all that.

    He need to cut it on out and sit own down sumwhere!

  14. Are you working for the Klu Klux Klan? Burnt anyone alive recently? Done any lynchings?

  15. He never said he was MLK, he never alluded to that. MLK was fighting for equal rights. Obama is running for the President. It's clear to him, it's clear to any Democrat. Apparently, it's Republicans who have a problem understanding this basic fact, trying to maliciously impute motives where none exist.

    But then, given your atrocious spelling and sentence construction, I suppose it's too much to expect of you to understand basic facts. It's unfortunate, but utterly understandable.

  16. I'm glad that your Ivy League education is shining through. What a great way to spend your parents hard earned money. What a very well thought out question.

    Barack Obama is the first and only black man to be elected to the Harvard Law Review. He is incredibly intelligent and has been elected to the Senate. He is qualified to speak.

    You should have misspelled the word 'like' in the same spirit as your other misspelled drivel. I hope that when you get out of prison, you will be able to vote soon after.

  17. What an awful terrible troll question. And the answer to it is: I'm not.



  19. maybe you should get some pointers from Obama

    No I find his speeches great

  20. Yea, MLK Jr, he is definitely not!

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