
Whos fault it this? (damage reperation)?

by  |  earlier

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I own a lawn business. I put my weedwacker and blower down on the side of the customers driveway as I have for the past 2 months. Anyway after the customer paid me she drove away. when i went to retrieve my blower I found it destroyed. She apparently ran over it and dragged it down the driveway. I placed it a good 10-15 feet behind the car and too the side. I was surprised that she didn't say anything to me I guess she didnt know but it is very big and was directly hit. The blower is valued at 160$! What should I do? Should I say something what should it be? IM so mad...




  1. You should set you equipment down where someone could be driving or on a sidewalk where someone could trip over it.

    She may not have even known about it.

    Although it is a loss to you, it is also a lesson.

    Move on.

  2. yeah put your tools on the truck instead it's your fault for leaving it there you maybe able to appeal to her better sense and tell her to spilt it with you.

  3. How much does this lady pay you for your services? If you approach her about the $160, you may get it, but you may also lose her business. Is the $160 worth a lost customer?

    You need to be more careful with your equipment.

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