
Whos going to salou next week?

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i would like to know whos going on holliday to salou next week, if you have been before, and what you think of it, also any tips on best places to eat, entertainment ect...we go next week and keep hearing different things about it, so would like other ppls thoughts...thanks




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  2. errrr kinda wrong section for this, but anyway, I went once when I was young, its rather warm, there are several bars and such but i wouldn't be able to name them sorry, there are lots of shops around but they dont have alot in them, its a long walk around to anything, there are alot of hills if i remember rightly so watch out for that, and holes or cracks in the pavement. It was nice when I went, I enjoyed it. Have a nice holiday, I dont know what its like now, its been years since i went.

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