
Whos going to win the supercross 2009 title

by Guest62251  |  earlier

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we got Reed, Windham, Stewart, Townley, Villopoto.. etc.




  1. windham

  2. i think stewart.. but i dont no ha ha well any way thanks for the advice on my questionn

  3. mostlikley stewart if e doesnt hurt himself again

    and because i dont believe villopoto will leave the lites next year either villopotp or dungey

  4. My prediction, barring any injuries, will be Stewart first and Villopoto second. It will be interesting to see how Stewart adjusts to being on a new team though. Villopoto has the advantage of staying with the same team for '09 while it looks like Stewart will be on Suzuki. Remember that Ryan is often matching Stewarts lap times now on a 250F. He also beat the best riders in the world riding a 250 in the Motocross of Nations with many of them, including RC, riding 450's. I hope Cody Cooper runs the '09 SX series also. He will be a serious force to rekon with if he picks up a factory ride.  

  5. stewart or alessi

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