
Whos gonna referee the cotto vs margo fight?

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if they pick joe cortez for this fight the fix will be in,cortez for the last couple years has done a poor job or just favors the boxers he wants to win..notable bad performances from joe cortez are mayweather vs hatton & soto vs lorenzo...steve smoger should referee this fight!




  1. I really hope it isnt Cortez he is proving himself to be one of the worst referees in recent history, lets hope that within the next few years we can find some Mercantes and Lanes because god knows we need em.

  2. So you're saying Cotto's only chance is if Cortez referees. :)

  3. As evalistinho already pointed out, the confermed referee for the Cotto-Margarito fight will be Kenny Bayless.  I think its a good choice because Bayless is a good referee and he is usually not involved in any controversy.  He is one of my favorites along with Steve Smoger, who I also think would have been good because he is a ref that allows the fight to go on until he knows for a fact that the fighter can no longer continue.  Joe Cortez used to be one of my favorites, but after the injustice that he did in the Soto-Lorenzo fight, I lost a lot of respect for him.  I think Bayless will do a good job of reffing the fight- he's always been fair from my standpoint.

    The link that I posted from boxrec shows the ref and the three judges for the fight.

  4. Bayless! If you want to read about this fight head on over to they have a write-up on the fight and also a forum where you can go and chat about this and many other fight related stuff.



    The fight will also be ON demand after it is over

  6. I hope cotto wins

  7. The ref is going to be Kenny Bayless. The same ref from Mayweather- De la Hoya.

  8. Like I said before Cortez a bias ref vs Mexican boxers.

    If Joe Cortez is the ref Cotto will get away with low blows and will take away points to Margo given the opportunity.

    I hope Joe is not the ref that night.

  9. I hope it's Steve Smoger because he tends to let the fighters fight and there's going to be a lot of infighting in this fight. Kenny Bayless is a good ref too. He'd be cool for this fight. I think Joe Cortez is slipping bigtime.

    Isn't this the perfect fight for Mills Lane to ref? I could just see Cotto and Margarito in ring center staring each other down while Mills yells "LET'S GET IT ON!"

    I wish Mills was still doing it, he was the best!

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