
Whos good with stocks?

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I want to buy some stocks. But does anyone know any good stocks to invest in?




  1. The best guy I know is

    He's been on the web for 10 years and was even in Forbes...averages about 50% a year.  Worst year was 2003 when they only made 15%.

    Good luck!

  2. A good stock for you may be bad for me and vice versa. You need to figure out multiple things before anyone could give you a decent answer. Check the site below for help in non technical terms.

  3. If you are looking to buy longterm or even midterm stocks I would suggest opening positions in alcoholic beverages or healthcare. These are two things that will not disappear with recession.

  4. Very poor questions. What I might tell you now might be horrible tomorrow.

    You need to know time frame, capital available, and risk threshold.

    You can follow stocks picks over here -

    Money doesn't fall from trees. You have got to do work for it.

  5. ME!

    Don't have any buy long ideas. Been short for the last year and change.

    Depends on your time frame and risk tolerance.


    Been long and short. I would be careful here. I just closed a short position on oil. 61% net gain  (06-20 to 07-09).

  6. Warren Buffet is good with stocks. But, sorry, he doesn't post tips here.

    He does say that before you invest in a stock you should be able to write a book about the company. I'm betting that you're not interested in doing that.

    So, forget stocks. Forget making quick and easy money simply by asking unknown people you will never meet what stock to buy.

    Instead, learn to invest properly:

    1. Do not chase past returns. People that buy funds because they have done well in the past are doing exactly that.

    2. Do not market time. Market timing is buying based on your (or your newsletter, or your TV, or neighbor's) guess about what is going to happen in the future. Even if someone knows something, you've already missed the boat. The price already reflects what you just found out.

    3. Use index funds. Over time, index funds outperform actively managed funds, mostly because they do not have those high expense ratios. Some actively managed funds do beat their index, but the ones that do usually do not do so consistently. So why gamble? Use index funds. If you want to use a few actively managed funds, make sure that the costs are very low. Vanguard has some good ones.

    5. Diversify. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Own a mix of bonds, domestic equities (large, small and mid cap funds), an international fund and perhaps a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) and emerging market fund.  Four to six funds is all you need. Know your risk tolerance and set up an appropriate asset allocation. Rebalance as needed.  

    6. Consider taxes. Use the least tax efficient funds in your tax-deferred accounts and the most tax efficient funds in your taxable accounts.

  7. Most anything with energy is a pretty good bet.  I made an energy pick about 4 years ago that has more then tripled in the past 5 months.
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