
Whos is the best MMA Trainer ever?

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I like John Hackelman but I'm not saying he's the best, so who do you think is???




  1. I don't know about proper trainers, but if I could be trained by anyone I'd say Bas Rutten

  2. Militech

    his IFL team won under his training

    i also think Bas Rutten

    have you ever tried his workout routine?

    nearly impossible and im in decent shape ive gone 2 5 minute rounds of fighting at my gym and was ready for a 3rd but we were only doing an exhibition match

  3. I'd probably go with Matt Hume, he's trained Josh Barnett and has recently been helping out Rich Franklin, and both of them have been successful in MMA and also Chris Leben, Akira Shoji and Bob Sapp.  Hume is also credited with helping start the Abu Dhabi  Submission Wrestling Championships.

    Apart from MMA, I like Eddie Bravo as a grappling instructor, just because his style of jiu-jitsu is so innovative and effective

  4. i would say greg jackson and pat miletich

  5. The guy who trains BJ Penn I think its like Rudy Valentino or something like that

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