
Whos mad at the us government?

by  |  earlier

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im tired of the government telling me what i CAN AND CANT DO WITH MY BODY!!!! (intensional caps) i mean who are they to tell me what i can smoke when i can smoke it and what i can drink and what age i can drink it im 19 im old enough to buy a house go to jail even war die for my country and father children legaly. is there any one else out there that is enraged as much as me at the the U.S of A?




  1. we have a way to revolt ......VOTE!

  2. We need a revolution, it is time.  The people paying the taxes need to have a ralley in DC and not let ANY politicians speak.

    There needs to be a new party dedicated to the well being of this country above all else with decisions based in that tenor and a new view toward personal responsibility.

    I am livid.

  3. You used to be able to drink on the beach.  Now you can't.  People do not like freedom.  They say they like it, but they don't.  They hate it.  That is why the US has the hugest prison population of any country in the whole world, even bigger than China.  And its getting bigger.  The people demand more laws, less freedom, harsher penalties, and tough judges who will give the harshest sentences possible to every defendant.  This evil comes right out of the heart of the American people.  They love unlimited government power to dictate everything about your life.  They hate freedom.  It can't be denied.

  4. Yes we should take back our government but what we have in DC now are the people that we elected and come the next election the same people will be voted in again. Every one worries about who will be the next president but they never think about the people who really make the laws

  5. yes i am more than outraged. i wish a couple million of us could get together. we need a REVOLUTION to take our government back and straighten out this country for the good of the citizens, not all them damned dictators we have in washington now!!!!

  6. you are the government. You vote the poeple in to represent your state, so you can only be mad at yourself. ill admit things are pretty corrupt in Washington, but we all need to turn our perspective around that the government has control. we are the government.

  7. Kevin, you ask an interesting question....I read it very carefully and suggest that if you are only 19 that you get serious and get some education.  You seem to be worrying about laws that are for the good and safety of others.  Quit being so selfish  and thinking you shouldn't have to abide by the laws.  

    It's a tough world out there and you better starting thinking about how you can contribute to improve it by getting a good education and quit acting like a spoiled little kid.

    Good Luck to you!

  8. ugh i hate the goverment!!  they practically give free money to everone on welfare. that is so not fair. i work my *** off every f*cking day just to get by and there are these f*ckiing scumbags that do nothing all day and they get free money..

  9. The government is full of rich bald white guys that think they know what is best for us! They don't care about our problems cause they are to worried about the big companies they represent! The government is full of treasonous motherfuckers! If Thomas Jefferson was alive he'd blow up congress. Thomas Jefferson once shot a man for treason so I'm sure he'd blow up those treasonous motherfuckers in the white house especially that oil baron known as George W. Bush!

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