
Whos more naturally pretty? it seems please answer?

by  |  earlier

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  1. You, I guess. But neither of you are very attractive.

  2. the brunette is definely prettier

    the blonde is trying to hard

    and that eyeliner is so not wirking for her

  3. The brunette

  4. i think the one on the right or burnette..  

  5. They're both pretty, but I think the brunette is naturally pretty. (If that makes sense. lol)

  6. you seem more naturally pretty, but i think your friend is prettier.

  7. you by far. aka the brunette.

  8. The brunette 100%

    the blonde has an overload of freckles and needs some makeup lessons...her eyeliners looks like a second grader did it

    Both of you need to get out in the sun and tan!

  9. I think both are really very pretty. The one on the left has nice blue eyes but her skin tone isn't great. The one on the right just looks adorable and I'd have to go with her.

  10. I think hte blonde is actually prettier :]

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