
Whos nicked all the cod out of the north sea?

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been out on my fishing boat 3 years in a row ( line fishing )and only landed about 20 none of them over 3lb




  1. The bloody spanyards

  2. All those Chinese people for their Fish & Chips Shops!

  3. The French and the Spanish, whilst breaching our international waters. And we subsidise them too.

  4. the north sea cod nickers

  5. Yeah, but you ate thousands of them down the chip shop!

  6. Who ever can sneak in there (Norway???)....Scottish fisherman have been going through a crisis for years...similar to the farmer/foot and mouth situation. I believe there has been a recommended 2 year fishing ban so stocks can's pretty serious. OOOPs was that a bit serious???

  7. pirates!!

  8. The Spanish, the j**s and Uncle Tom Cobbly an all, it is an outrage, imagine what it is going to be like in 50 years time, if we are all still here and not blown to bits by the nutters who have allowed the fisheries to be fished close to extinction

  9. plain and simply the Spanish followed by the scotch. they just trawl after trawl after trawl. if they don't stop soon there will be NO fish left

  10. you got to get up early to beat that bloody Harry Ramsden

  11. the polish

  12. we brought the problem on ourself to a certain only eating a few years time i doubt if there will be any cod left.

  13. The spanish, I reckon.

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