
Whos prettier, Michelle or Sarah Palin?

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Lets just get away from the rules and basics right now....

:) Who do you think is prettier? I think Michelle is.




  1. Easy one.....Sarah.  Michelle is just too anry and bitter and it is visible in her demeanor (her smile looks fake as well as how she carries herself).

  2. please    dont  even  ask  that  of  course  sarah  is  thats  like  asking  whats  more  appealing  a  rib  eye  steak  or  a  hot  dog.  if  sarah  put  her  hair  down  and  hot  rollers  in  it  and  took  off  her  glasses  she  could  be  in  playboy

  3. Both

  4. How many beauty contests has Michelle won? How is this important anyway?

  5. This is a question in the political section?

    Jez our country is in worse shape than I thought.

  6. What does the way they look have to do with anything??  


    Not that it makes any difference to the issues, but Palin reminds me of a mix of trailer park drama mom, redneck, and Peggy Hill with a trollish nose.  Sorry!

    (ducking and running now)

  7. I'm sorry I have not seen or heard of Sarah Palin before, who is that?

    I think the first lady, Michelle Obama looks great.

  8. I'd like to see a glamour picture face off between the two.

  9. Sarah.

    Sarah's worldview is based on love.

    Michelle's worldview is based on hate.

    That shows in Michelle's face. She looks hostile and angry.

    Maybe if Michelle let go of her hate, she could be attractive.  

  10. They are both quite pretty, actually.  Sarah Palin has a nice countenance, but Michelle carries a bit of a snotty expression the times I have seen her.  Small difference, but its there.

  11. who cares Michelle can eat Sarah for lunch...who do think is responsible for Baraks success??? ...Sarah Palin thinks our war in Iraq is a mission from that like a Crusade?  I am more concerned about her mind and lack of good parenting skills...she can't manage her house how can she manage our house?

  12. That's hard.

    You have two women with two entirely different looks.  

    They are both very beautiful women  - though it would be nice if Michelle would smile more.

  13. Sarah Palin..Without a doubt.  She's CLASSY looking.

  14. Honestly...Michelle. Very beautiful and stylish!

    Sarah seems very homely looking and typical.

  15. both are good looking women. i would eat them both. happy now. who cares?

  16. i havn't seen michell yet.

  17. Palin is way hotter. Michelles mouth is scary looking almost mr ed like.

  18. I definitely think Michelle is much prettier.  You can see through to the sincerity as well and that makes someone worth looking at.  I feel too, that Sarah may have had some 'work' done.

  19. Palin is low class trailer trash.  Very ignorant.  She has no class and barely graduated with a B.A. degree in journalism. What was McCain thinking?  How could he have such an ignorant VP to represent the United States?? Imagine how in the cultured world of European politics they will laugh at the U.S.  She has low class values and practically no education.  Take a look at Palin and you decide....She has no culture at all.

    **mouth open looking like a nut**

    vs. Michelle Obama a bit more cultured Princeton Law grad.

    By the way let's look at some other classy first ladies.  Maybe Palin can take some notes..and lose a few pounds in the process.

    Carla Bruni of France

    Nancy Reagen

    Jacqueline Kennedy

    Margaret Thatcher of England

    Condolezza Rice

    **So where does the fat a$$$ Palin fit in?  

    She really looks horrid when compared to McCain's wife.

  20. I think Sarah Palin is attractive, but Michelle Obama's class and intelligence blows her away.

  21. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  They both are nice looking women.

  22. Sarah, hands down.  She's got the hot librarian thing going on.

    Michelle Obama?  Where do I start?!?!

  23. Sarah..... don't even use Michelle & pretty or prettier in the same sentence.

  24. Cindy whacks both of them.

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