
Whos starting school tommorow?

by  |  earlier

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i will.

im going to be a sophomore in high school ( grade 10 )




  1. Today....

  2. me, but i go to a school in the UK and its my last year... so what grade would that be?

  3. not me . but my daughter starts 8th  at new school  tomorrow she's not very happy about it ,  my niece started a few weeks ago.

  4. NOT ME!!!... but i do have to work so we're both screwed

  5. me

  6. Not me

  7. me. and i'm not happy at all.

  8. my school starts september 2nd. my cousin who lives in cali strats august 20

  9. Thursday

  10. well i finished school and college but hight schools here in Greece start on September 15th

  11. I'm starting tomorrow too! And I'm also a sophmore lol! I'm so glad I'm not a freshman anymore. =D

  12. I am! sophomore too! and i'm not very excited :(

    but hey only 3 more years of it right?!

    -Have fun tomorrow xD

  13. ME! going to be my last year in middle school, eighth grade. i'm not a nerd or anything but i'm actually kind of exciting to learn some new stuff. mostly language arts and english.

  14. Me. :( not very happy about it though

  15. meee! though I'm not to eager about it lol so your in grade 10 in America? thats year 11 wear I live in London so I guess if I lived in America I would be a sophomore too! lol x have fun in school lol x

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