
Whos still thinks 9/11 wasn't done by our governement?

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Just curious how many are still asleep or apathetic




  1. hey CHARLIE media put islamic terorism to your brain so many times and now you dont even know who they are but you still blame them..I  won't say all muslims are good but some of of them   they are some stupid muslims radical muslims who is teached and controlled by some stupid people who wants to use religion for politics and outcome of it right now world use word  islamic terorism...But how come media doesn't use american terrorism  which is political overturn of 50 + governments  such as in europe in panama in iran in africa should i keep counting ..outcome of each overturns is death in thousand if not millions..Just in iraq and afghanistan  so many death in millions which is not a justified war..Reason USA went to iraq and afghanistan because of a strategic base in the region which is vital for US and country is not poor also which will be able to give some control of eastern  and gulf oil companies. so my answer if  it is government  game on 9-11 ???  there is really really high probability

  2. Everyone who has common sense.

  3. It was done by Islamic terrorists.Any other theories are disgraceful. My friends died there. You and your kind are despicable and disgusting!

  4. Me. We disproved that stupid "evidence" on the crazy google video in my high school physics class in ten minutes. And yeah, I agree with the previous answer, not a chance that such a complicated inside job would have stayed airtight. People have been making conspiracy theories since the beginning of time. I guess to make their lives seem more interesting?

  5. If it had'nt been for 911 your country wouldn't be in the mess it's in now, by the way time we are on this subjet, what hapened to the 2 1/2 Billion that went missing on the morning of 9/11, did they ever find it?  But it was a great time to anounce it had gone missing eh?.

  6. We need a thorough investigation into what occurred that day.

    The 911 commission was a joke

  7. I'm sleeping of course. Why should I bother

    with two idiots fighting each other in a totally

    fact-less war of opinions? If either of you guys

    finally finds some FACTS you're entitled to

    wake me.

  8. I don't, but I do think a lot of you are just plain " SICKO "

  9. I woke up and faced reality since the moment 9/11 happned.Believe it or not,as many people there is that still say 9/11 was was done by Al Qaeda,there is even more people that are starting to wake up and face reality.Yes,alot of people are starting to wake up,and starting to make choices that are better for them,not the Government.

  10. I agree, I think it was done by your government, saudi arabia.

  11. Oh geez, it wasn't done by our government. It was done by Al Qaeda operatives.

  12. Me for one.  Of course I don't count for someone as intelligent as you, me being the half-asleep, apathetic, ameoba of a man that I am who simply can't believe that any government as inept as ours could have pulled this large a stunt without spilling the beans.  Oh, forget I said that last part, I'm supposed to be asleep now.

  13. Gee Bri, that depends on what country you are from doesn't it?

  14. Me. I'm not asleep or apathetic. I also

    don't listen to disgruntled, Bush-haters who

    have tried to blame everything on Bush

    and the government, from floods, tornadoes, and terrorist attacks. Just how

    did you decide it was not those Muslims

    that flew all 4 airplanes on 911? Did Bush want one of them to also fly into the White House and destroy it? (as was planned) I

    don't think Bush would want those places

    destroyed on his watch anyway....not a

    good legacy.

  15. You can not be serious.

  16. Me. But the conpiracy types cling to........conspiracies. This is the best one since JFK.

    You do know the Earth is flat, and we never landed on the moon. Paul McCartney is dead and Elvis lives. Bush planned the 911 attacks. And here's my favorite: David Icke has evidence that the world has been taken over by Lizard-men, disguised in human skin:

  17. There are a lot but they are not alseep or apathetic. It's too far gone for that. They are just plain retarded if they don't know the truth from a bunch of spin bullshit this far down the line from 9/11. It's simple but they won't get it. Those buildings were brought down by explosives and they weren't planted by Al Qaeda. FACT.

  18. 99% of people with half a brain

  19. Not I. I know the truth. There's like 10 different pieces of har evidence that say Bush and the american govt. did it.

    and what has the government done to counter argue these evidence other than say "shut up and don't ask questions or you're a terrorist"

    Everything is due to 9/11.....we have to take away your right to privacy because of 9/11...we have to grant telecoms and big oil total immunity because of 9/11....we have to start all these wars and get their oil because of 9/11

  20. They are all in for a ONE World Government anyway, notice, with the RF ID Chip going on, and the government is trying to keep track of your every move, with that they are trying to be like God, who can also keep track of your every move. You know how people say God is everywhere, well so is the Government trying to be every where, its like a competition. Think about the Government and think about Lucifer trying to be like God, well I think Government is satan, trying to form a 1 world Government, and have ONe Army, he is trying to form a 1 World Army to get ready for the big war, and that war is against the lamb of God. Do not get that RFID Chip its the mark of the beast

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