
Whos tackle was worse Hodges or Todd Payten's?

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Y go 2 the judiciary these days, y not just have a lucky dip instead. It seems apparent that hating hodges is more then enough reason 2 give him unfair lengthy suspensions, im sure u NSW supporters agree




  1. Its a F***n disgrace how QLD players get Fu ked ova all the time and ppl like Haynes get off after neally causing serious harm

  2. It was a bad tackle by Payten. He will be watching from the sidelines for a while. At least Payten's tackle was done when Cooper had the ball.

    It wasn't the low act that Hodges did by upending Riddell after he had passed the ball. Also, what type of idiot gives the "up yours" to a referee especially when it was televised. Talk about dumb.

  3. in paytens case, cooper was still holdin the ball when he got speared so it wasnt late though it was still illegal,

    but hodges ridell already passed the ball and hodges had plenty of time to pull out but he didnt

    so id say hodges was worse

    yer the judiciary is unfair those carry over points are stupid, players shouldnt get in trouble for what theyve done before each case should be a new one

  4. i recon there both as bad as one another, why payten only got 3 weeks( i think) is a joke. the judiciary is a joke, one player gets 7 weeks and another gets 3, were is the fairness in that! just because the player had the ball in his hands is no excuse.  

  5. hodges by far more angkle  

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