
Whos the bad guy? Russia or Georgia?

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Ok i think Georgia should NOT get involved if South Ossetia wants to break away and become a Russian state. South Ossetia's practically been independent for a while now. But what do you think lol.




  1. the US , because Georgia  was depending on George

  2. I honestly feel that they both have inherently bad intentions. Remember Georgia was a part of Russia for 2 centuries so some of Russia's mindset is still there. What it comes down is who has the most power to wield against the masses and you know the answer to that one. Russia would do a lot worse if they weren't held in check by the possibility of retaliation from the US. I don't think either the US or Russia wants to see their population wiped off the map with nukes. But they do make an excellent deterrent.

  3. I agree with Philistine..

    All these idiotic wars and conflict and people being killed over land, and territory, and jurisdiction.  It's like One big p***ng contest.

    I wish we did have a 'free zone'.. but I guess for now we'll have to care.  The one that struck 1st without needing to is the bad guy.  

  4. The conflict definitely looks to be US and Israeli inspired.

    The creation of the conflict in Georgia is intended to block Russia from materially supporting IRAN during the impending invasion.

    Israeli military advisors were involved with the Georgian offensive against South Ossetia {pop 70,000}.

    On 14th July Georgian & US troops started a joint military exercise.

    The OSSETIANS speak ossetic, an Iranian language. They're descended from Iranian tribes of Eurasia.

    They became CHRISTIANS during the early middle ages.

    From 1922 Ossetia was part of the USSR.

    Many of them would have Russian passports. Unlike Kosovo, the US will not support an independent South Ossetia.

    No need to ask why the US media is so biased on this issue then !!

  5. Russia wants world power now, the way they are getting it is by getting rich fast aiding terrorist nations and gaining control of oil,Georgia has a major pipe line Russia wants along with the transportation routes they need, Russia in this case is the bad guy.

  6. Georgia attacked south ossetia as they want independence from Georgia. Georgia attacked them to prevent this.

    Russia attacks Georgia in defense of the people of South ossetia as they have Russian citizenships.

    the bad guys are Georgia

  7. at the moment im leaning towards russia as the bad guy...

  8. It doesn't sound right to have a part of Ossetia in Russia and another in Georgia.

    When elections were held in the Ossetia on the Georgia side they voted to become part of Russia and unite with the other Ossetia.

    I believe that vote should be respected.

    Having said this I have to express my feelings of frustration towards all the nationalist wars being fought around the world, and how I hope someday to find a cabin in a mountain far away and get away from humanity and all it's silly conflicts!!

  9. My feeling right now is that America and Israel are causing the trouble with maybe Britain and France also involved in the meddling.

    A war right now would be an ideal diversion for US politicians. It looks like the 'Georgia incident' is being stirred up from outside.

    Quote from "War Alert!"

    "US Economy About to Crash and Burn

    It daily becomes more obvious just how precarious is the American economy. The bad news can be papered over with market manipulation just so long, then the manipulation actually accelerates the decline. We are very near the tipping point, I believe. The catastrophic result, Depression II, now is baked into the cake. Nothing can stop it. Nothing. Traditionally, war is used to distract a population saddled with economic catastrophe, don’t forget."

  10. There were talks on the status of Abkhasia and South Osetia for years. People who live there don't want to be part of Gergia, at the same time Georgia wants to be territorially integrated. So there were talks on the issue. Of course Georgia had enough power just to take control over the two regions using military force. Russian peacemakers were there to prevent it from doing it. But at a moment the idiot president decided to do it anyway. So he started bombing South Osetia, destroyed its capital, several villages, killed 1.5 thousend civilians and 12 Russian peacekeepers. After that additional Russian forces invaded the region and fought Georgians back. I wonder how was Russia terrorizing Georgia? Wouldn't say that Geprgia is the bad guy. The bad guys are Saakashvili and his team-mates. They create an image of bad Russia in the face of the Georgian people. I am Russian and deeply respect Georgia and Georgians. But Saakashvili is an idiot and ****. Innocent people die because of him. He couldn't be anawere that Russia will answer. Still he did it, killing civialians, Georgian and Russian soldiers.  

  11. Georgia is one small country with only one desire to be free, independent. We are fighting to protect our people in NO because unlike Russia we value their lives. It has been a while that Russia has been terrorizing our country. For heaven's sake people we are trying to protect, all they want is to conquer. Just compare Georgia and Russia on the map and you'll see that a country so small can't be the "bad guy"!!!


  12. The bad guy is a side that started shelling of civilians.

    Who started to shell Tshinvali and 2 000 were killed? Georgia did.

    The reason why they were so self-sure is that they hoped for the USA's help.

  13. South Ossetia broke away in 1991.  Its not a matter of breaking away.  Georgia signed a peace treaty in 1991 granting South Ossetia its right to independence/autonomy.  Its not a matter of practicality. Its a matter of reality.  Georgia signed away its right to South Ossetia.

    Russia did the right thing.

    Much like the USA coming to the aid of Kuwait in the early 1990's.  Hussein and Iraq had not right to Kuwait. Just as Georgia has no right to South Ossetia.

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