
Whos the first King?Queen? combo with equal rights?

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concerns with FLESYM..




  1. What about the Spanish rulers Isabella of Aragon and Ferdinand of Castille? 1480s-1490s

  2. The phrase William and Mary usually refers to the joint sovereignty over the Kingdom of England, as well as the Kingdom of Scotland, of King William III and his wife Queen Mary II, a daughter of James II. Their joint reign began in February, 1689, when they were called to the throne by Parliament, replacing James II, who was "deemed to have fled" the country in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. After Mary died in 1694, William of Orange ruled alone until his death in 1702. Their rule was the only period in British history in which "joint sovereigns" with equal powers were allowed to reign; usually, the spouse of the monarch has no power and is simply a consort.

  3. William III and Mary II

  4. A good argument can be made for Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, with one reservation that they never legally combined their separate kingdoms.  They were married before Isabella became Queen of Castille and Léon in 1474 and Ferdinand became King of Aragon in 1479.  Technically, they continued to rule their separate kingdoms, although practically they functioned as co-rulers of a united Spain.  The failure to perform the legal unification caused problems when Isabella died in 1504.  Their daughter Joanna the Mad technically became Queen of Castille and Léon.  Ferdinand had to struggle against her husband for control, although he won after the husband died in 1506.  After Ferdinand died in 1516, their grandson Charles I (better known as Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor) inherited his kingdom (since Aragon's law excluded women) and asserted regency over his mother's kingdom.

  5. The Glorious Revolution, William and Mary.

  6. King William lll and Queen Mary ll

  7. It could be Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine.  She had more land that her English husband.  She was so powerful that Henry had illegally imprisoned for years.  Do Antony and Cleopatra count?  In any case Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain certainly pre-date William and Mary of England.  Isabella was actually the more powerful of the two!

  8. I suspect you're in there somewhere

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