
Whos the most patient sign of the zodiac?

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Whos the most patient sign of the zodiac?




  1. Must be Virgo. For it to remain virgin for thousands of years, geez, must be so darned patient.

  2. To remain patient and not say a word? Capricorn!

  3. i have noticed that in patience it would be virgo, in tolerance it is aquarius

  4. Capricorn

  5. capricorn, i am one

  6. It would have to be my sister she is a Pisces and has 4 children! She is so patient and good with them it is Unbelievable!!

  7. Capricorn, definitely! :]

  8. taurus :)

  9. pisces or capricorn

  10. I'd have to say Aries.

  11. Piceses

  12. Yes it is I the Virgo. It is because we deal with a lot of B.S. and really don't get Mad or angry. We may get upset but that is all. We always have to be laid back and not let things bother us because it effects out nervous system and if we take it hard then it will do us more harm than good. So as we mature which is very early we learn not to take things to the heart and that is the reason we are always smiling no matter what. Things that a lot of other signs would not deal with we may put up with. But as the saying goes don't take my kindness for weakness. Cause if you do than the wrath of the Virgin and or Mother Earth, comes out and that is not pretty.

  13. Are you for real Tejal P? Aries are THE most impatient sign in the zodiac!! Capricorn's are the most patient.

  14. I would also have to say Capricorn.

    They're very patient  

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