
Whose a better choice for 08?

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Obama or Mccain

Wat do u guys think about how the election is going in my opinion obama did a great job in picking his VP cuz he can help him in making great decisions experience wise. Now Mccain i think made a stupid decision by picking the girl i think it just shows how afraid he is in losing the campaign and she inexperienced and not fit for this and no I'm not saying this cuz hes a girl. Then i think obama promises something new cuz hes actually putting his country 1st and going on and saving others like bush is trying 2 do cuz i think bush shoulda payed more attention to his country rather than others and voting 4 mccain is basically asking for the same 8yrs we've been living in.




  1. First, I think you should say McCain made a stupid choice Palin, not a "girl." I think the team of Obam/Biden is a better choice. Obama is a natural leader and even other countries are open to working with him for peace and prosperity. Biden is well respected in other countries as well and I think Bush has destroyed the US reputation and Obama and Biden can repair that damage. Also, in the past 8 years we have seen too many Republicans preaching to us little people about accountability, credibility and family values and those same Republicans were caught sending sexual text messages and IM's to underage boys (Foley), using government dollars for lavish trips and high price call girls (Spitzer) and that guy from Illinois that was challenging Obama for the senate seat 4 years ago for his sexual infidelities. People are human before they are male, female, Democrat or Republican, but the truth is once you determine your party alliance you sell your soul to that party and its leaders and unfortunately these power wielding Republicans have made a horrible mess the last 8 years and it simply is time for a man like Obama to bring some hope back to our government and our country. Besides, McCain just took away the option from voters with his choice in Palin. She is even more inexperienced than Obama and with his health issues, can we afford Palin to become President when or if something happens to McCain? That alone shows you who is the better choice.

  2. I am getting a little tired of telling people this, but I believe that it is Bob Barr. A lot of people will give me a thumbs down for giving my own opinion of who I think is the better choice. However, this is the elections section and people are getting a little excited and just need to cast some kind of vote.

  3. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Gov Palin has more experience than all 3 of the guys.  Sorry but it is true.  Don't listen to all these punks on here.  Do your own research.  You young people need to listen to your own hearts and minds and stop following these "people" that do not do their homework.

  4. Great Answer. I support Obama because he does not represent the rich or the poor, the big corporations, or the small newer businesses, the Democratic or the Republican party. Senator Obama stands for the equality and better quality of life for all American Citizens. I like the fact that Obama wants to help all College students to be able to afford their college tuition. Alike Obama I come from a single parent home and I am currently working my way through college with the aid of Scholarships, Student Loans, and a part time job. During Obama's acceptance speech as the Democratic nominee he mentioned that he will make a way to enable that parents and college students paying for college  to make the expensive cost of college tuition tax deductible. Obama represents everyone, old and young. His passion to serve all of america will bring a massive amount of voters out to the election polls on November 4th. I will be there wearing my Obama pin proudly.  

  5. Before you vote, check this out. I like McCain / Palin.

  6. Obama is a far better choice than McSame and that scary out of touch fisherman from Alaska.

  7. Obama

  8. I don't like McCain, but I don't think he would destroy the country like Hussein Obama would.

  9. She is smarter than Obama and has more experience than him.  Name 3 bills he has put up since he was elected senator.  None!

    He has no credentials at all!  She sure is worrying a lot of people even though she is just a female!  She has been a Mayor and a Governor and has done a lot of good for her people.  

  10. I completely agree! Palin wasn't the best choice. I'm not saying that she is the worst choice, but it was a huge surprise to Mitt Romney supporters that their nominee wasn't decided as the VP, same with giuliani supporters.

  11. Obama all the way.

  12. Barack Brilliancy vs. McCain Lunacy!

  13. It's a pretty bad choice for McCain, politically speaking.  I think ostensibly this was supposed to be an appeal to Clinton voters, but really, I don't think that's what this is all about.  I think it's about middle-aged, white, working-class male voters who think she's hot.  It's awfully risky because she may come across as a ditz.  Plus, she's a lightweight, there will be plenty of chances for her to s***w up.  If I'm running the McCain-Palin campaign, I'd keep her locked up in a room somewhere for 2 months.

  14. oh you Pubes are scared and you know it you are feeling threatened cause you gonna lose

  15. Until thursday I had already decided not to vote for either one of them. But, after doing my research on Sarah Palin, I am now voting for McCain! She has more guts and and drive and determination then either one of them. Smart move on John McCains part. She is one tough cookie. I like her.!!!!  So to answer your question, Obama can bite my Rosy red butt. My vote is being cast for McCain/Palin.

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