I'm a batman driver. I don't stop for people that blow red lights. I don't let speeders go around me on the highway. I don't let people merge in front of me unless they are signaling their lane change.
So on to the tale of today:
Redneck in red pickup truck tries blowing redlight to U-Turn (illegal in this state) in front of me. I keep going. He narrowly backs up in time to avoid hitting me. Car behind me almost hits him as he tries it again. He illegally passes this car in the no-passing zone, blowing another redlight to keep up with me.
Knowing what's coming next, I note the semi in the opposing lane. I come to a dead stop and put on my turn signal. I stay stopped about 3 seconds longer than I need to, to judge his reaction. He goes off-road in the right lane to avoid hitting me (he was speeding and then tail-gating me at this point). He hits a tree. Fortunately for him, he survives. Unfortunately for him, I got his plate and called the cops.
Terrible waste of a F250.