
Whose labor was the most difficult?

by Guest61827  |  earlier

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Your mother's or your father's?




  1. I never REALLY appreciated my mother until I became a mother.

    Most mothers work a lot more than the fathers, but at the end they both complete eachother.

    I love you mom and dad...

  2. both r equal

    one without the other is difficult

    the only problem is the fathers labor is not seen

    that makes is more difficult and worthy.

  3. I would have to say my Mother's ....we migrated to Australia when times were difficult & she had to raise a family with no extended family support & money was tight !

    She did an amazing job & I have only realised just how difficult it was for her in the last few years.

  4. Both in different ways.

    My mom at home, bcoz she didnt work outside our home and was all the time with us..and giving us so much love.

    My dad ...working to provide us with everything we need  without forget the love thing either.

    I have been lucky in that ....had great parents.

  5. When you have given birth to a child with the head the size of a melon you will know the answer

  6. HAHAHAHAHA @ KATE,... HAHAHAHA.. i loved that joke :P

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