
Whose lost confidence in British banking?

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Is this an over reaction?




  1. I lost confidence in the Government controlling the actions of bankers etc:

    Would you borrow three times your income to lend to others in the hope they will pay it back?

    That's what Northern Rock did and the Government failed to control their actions and are now covering themselves by offering OUR money to those  NR let down.

    Confidence? I should cocoa!

    How far will this go? Can I borrow three times my income and if I fail to pay it back will the Government cover my debts?

    That's what they have let us in for in a big way. Any organisation which borrows and lends money and gets into trouble must now expect the Government to bail them out!!!!


  2. My wife works for NR and at the moment there does not appear to be any cocern for despair

  3. i dont know but for all the advice to ensure that you pay into a pension, i still dont because i dont trust that there would be anything there when i retire

  4. loads of banks in the UK - one has problems and Bank of England and government moved in fast to shore up any problems.

    Why lose confidence in a system that works that well?

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