
Whose service to islam was more important? Khalid ibn Waleed(ra) or Abu huraira(ra)?

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Abu Huraira - one of the major narrators of Hadith ( who has narrated the highest number of authentic hadith)

khalid ibn Waleed - arguably the best general & the finest warrior in the history of islam




  1. We shouldn't differentiate between the two. They were both among the top contributors to Islam. Khalid ibn Waleed (ra) was priceless in the spreading of Islam, and Abu Hurairah's (ra) contribution in the narration of Ahadith is priceless for all generations that have come.

    May Allah reward them both with Jannah.

  2. both important equally

  3. Hmmmm....!

    Hazrat Abu Huraira(RA)    

    {One of the companion of the prohet(PBUH)};

    Got the closeness Of OUR Holy Prophet (PBUH), So he delivered what he got from there !!!,  

    Kalid Bin Waleed(RA)

    {an lover of the prophet (PBUH)} ;

    Tried his best to implement over the Quran & sunna(got from these companions of Prophet)

  4. they both were Great sahaba's, may allah(swt) bless them!!

    And Allah(swt) is the one who can judge them!!

  5. Abu Huraira only met the prophet on few occasions, and only became Muslim 3 years before our Prophet's (as) passing away.

    Khalid ibn Waleed gets my vote.

  6. Why do u care? this is too silly just worry about yourself and work hard brother...

  7. In matters of quantifying one's importance and piety among Allah's servants--it's best to just say:


    Considering I know Abu Huraira more, I'd say he made a bigger contribution to spreading the message. But that is only speculation.


  8. Both their services to Islam are not perfect and it would have been better they never existed, for their own sake and for the sake of Islam.

    Abu Hurairah lied about hadith of the Prophet but also spread good hadiths. Khalid murdered and raped Muslims but also killed the enemies of the Muslims. Both are destined for h**l.

  9. Salam for you my dear brother.Both of them (Khalid ibn Waleed and Abu Hurairah had made the great benefit to the development of Islam.We could not compare them to each other who was more important because both of their roles not in the same field and their services were very needed by that time.Both of them were the best  sahabahs and trusted men of Muhammad pbuh.We hope that Allah will bless them and they will go to jannah(heaven) and accept best rewards from Allah swt.Insya allah.

  10. only ALLAH  know  

  11. The Sahaba (R.A) all of them were like  stars. Some stars may shine brighter than the other. As for these great companions of beloved Prophet (pbuh), Both of them have done great service to Islam. I dare not compare.. Allah knows better.

  12. It is difficult to compare two great Muslims.  I  am afraid of making a mistake if I make mistake in  giving my opinion. So I seek forgiveness of Allah SWT in this matter.

    Abu Huraira RA  narrated more ahadith than most narrators because he was always in Masjid near Rasoolallah.  Same ahadith may be with lesser number have been narrated by othe sahabas also.  If we find how many of his narrations were also reported by others. Then it is possible that Ahadith are not whole lot that were narrated only by

    Abu Huraira   If he had not narrated those extra ahadiths, it is difficult to measure how much loss Muslim Ummah  would have faced.

    On the other hand Khalid bin Walid RA  was not only a great warrior but also the greatest strategists of his time.   He won more and important battles because of his strategies and planning.  He had a great mind of a Geneal that none was equal to him at the time.  Under his command more areas fell under the control of Muslims and millions of Non-Muslims  reverted to Islam after coming in control of Muslim Ummah.

    The expansion was rapid and with less loss of life of Muhahideen under his command.  We don't find any other commander in Muslim armies as successful as Khalid Bin Walid.  Either Rasoolallah or Allah Himself  gave him the title of "Saifullah" (The Sword of Allah).  No one else ever received this title.

    There wasn't any place on his upper body that didn 't have scars of wounds.  He wished he dies in battle field as Shaheed,  Allah give him life again and he dies again in Battle Field as Shaheed.  But because of this title Saifullah,  he could never be killed in Battle field and Khalid bin Walid died with natural causes.  

    When many areas closer to Meditterian ocean were conquered by Muslims and freed from the occupation of Romans, Abu Hurraira RA requested Rasoolallah for his appointment at some higher position in one of those cities.  Rasoolallah  didn't feel that he is qualfied to hold such an important position of higher responsibility either because of his long life poverty  or lack of any thing else in his pesonality which I don't know. I don't remember the exact words of Rasoolallah to quote here. Rasollah SAW advised Abu Huraira  not to seek a position of high authority and responsibility  so you don't make mistake and fall in the eyes of Allah. One can assume number of weaknesses in his personality which I will not assume and write here.

    May Allah grant  Abu Hurraira and Khalid bin Walid highest level of

    Jannah. Ameen

    May Allah guide us all and forgive our sins.  AM

  13. The Knowledge is with ALLAH(SWT).

    It is not upto us to distinguish between them aaand why is this bothering u????hmmmm

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