
Whose side was Hawaii on in the Civil War? Or were they just riding surf boards and stuff?

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Whose side was Hawaii on in the Civil War? Or were they just riding surf boards and stuff?




  1. Hawaii was not part of US at the time of the Civil War. It was made into a US Territory in 1898. Hawaii became a State in 1959.

    It might be fair to say that Hawaii supported the Union -- in an economic sense. Most sugar grown within US before the Civil War was grown in the Confederacy; for obvious reasons, trade between North and South pretty much stopped. So, Northerners of all kinds, including the Union armies, imported most of their sugar -- much of it from Hawaii.

  2. Hawaii was not even a territory until after the Spanish American War. Surf boards were invented in Hawaii. Hawaii was a happy island in the sun.and totally uninvolved in the Civil War.

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