
Whould you merry someone who loves u but your not to sure if you love them

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Whould you merry someone who loves u but your not to sure if you love them




  1. No.  Marriage is not just temporary, and if you dont love them now, you wont later either.  

  2. Its better if u marry who loves you.So first try aand spend sometime with them to find out whether if you love them or not.Then u  will come to know ok

  3. No.

    Its not fair to them or you if you don't feel the same way they do.

    They may be upset at first, but its better than being in a stale marriage.

  4. No, if you aren't happy with it then don't do it! If you divorce the person later on it will only hurt him/her more than it would have if you had stopped it earlier before you got married!

    Yo would be breaking that persons heart if you married and then decided that you wanted out, so stop it now if you aren't sure, because you have to be one-hundred and ten percent sure you want to marry a person before you marry them.


  5. They say love is a two-way street, and if so, that scenario is impossible.

    However, I have no idea what it is like to be loved by someone I don't love.

    I do know what it's like to "love" someone who doesn't love me back, but in that case I know that she wouldn't marry me out of sympathy. There is no chance of that. She has thoroughly left me behind.

  6. No. If you have ANY doubt in your heart, then something isn't right.

  7. well then tell them how you feel about them before they propose to you.

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