
Whould you rather be told the blunt truth, and accept it for what it is,or to be told a white lie to make you?

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feel better about yourself?




  1. I hate being lied to, no matter if it's a big black one or a little white one.  I can usually tell when I'm being lied to.  I'd much rather hear the blunt truth, so I can correct the situation if I'm in the wrong.  

  2. A specific question would be easier to answer. If someone was to tell me that a truck was heading right for me- I'd hope they would tell me, but if someone was to tell me something subjective like they hate the color of my eyes and skin, then they shouldn't tell me anything at all.

    Maybe you are asking an entirely different kind of question, like what if someone knew some terrible shortcoming of mine and really wanted to talk to me about it... Well, it would be arrogant of the person to talk bluntly (rudely) about it because on some level I already know it exists. What would be helpful is doing this wisely or not at all.

    It takes a very wise person to know how to broach something like this with out causing suffering, and indeed helping the person. Unfortunately, most people who are blunt are actually just narcissistic, and will make the person they want to talk to about their flaws more resistant to change and listening.

    You need to let authorities or health care workers, do the talking, not you.

    The other option is finding out if you are really worried about the person with the shortcoming, or if you are just being controlling.

    If you are being controlling don't say anything- it's not your business.

  3. as long as it is given as constructive critisism and not as insults then the truth would be the best.

    eventually someone else will tell the truth to this person and it will cause a misunderstanding about why you told the person something different.

  4. To tell you the truth, accepting the blunt truth in a nice tone really fealls good to some people. First of all, it helps you improve yourself, and you can learn from your mistakes and so on. But if a person tells you a "white" lie, it feels good but you should know that being told a lie can lead to future mistakes and other future problems. I believe that your a strong enough person to take the blunt truth.

  5. it really depends what it is regard to.  If it was a white lie then i am assuming the truth wouldn't be too hurtful, but if the truth would be really painful and last for a long time i might prefer the lie.  If it is regard to something i am lacking like "You're too fat."  I would rather hear the truth.  If it was something like "You're a selfish, egotistical wench i wish i had never given birth to"  Or something to that effect i would rather be lied to.  Ignorance is bliss.  

  6. Oh please, "hit me with your best shot"!  White lies are OK for superficial situations, but if you are my friend, you'd best be a straight shooter!!!

  7. I would very much like the blunt truth because its what i expect. I don't like lying to friends or anyone for that matter so i expect the same in return. Plus i don't need people to lie to me to make me feel good about myself.

  8. id rather be told the truth, cause it makes me feel better that i know than some-1 lie & me never know.

  9. I woudl rather have the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts, but from that kind of pain, growth can happen. Dealing with things we may not like, especially negative "truths" about ourselves, is character building.

  10. the blunt truth is always best, but ONLY if it's meant as such as not as an indirect insult. I'd rather have the truth any day. I'm a big girl, I can handle it. I HATE being lied to.  

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