
Whould you vote to join a world government?

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Lets say the U.N. was thrown away and was replaced by the Free People's of Earth (FPE) which to join required humane treatment of a countries people, democratic elections, giving one's countries military strength to the FPE to protect all, and a popular vote of the population on whether to join or not. Rights of all people would be protected by a constitution similar to the United States's so all nations under its influence would be more or less states instead of countries and all of said states would get to vote on world affairs.

If every country willingly joined then war would stop since no one 'state' would have a military more powerful than the combined might of the rest of the world. If most of the Earth was under such organization and the constitution was well laid out and fair... would you like the United States (or whichever country you should hail from) to join?

The FPE is just an idealized world government to test peoples opinions and yes, it is from "Shadow of the Giant".




  1. h**l NO!

    It's being tried in the EU.. Thank God Ireland vetoed it

  2. No way!

  3. As long as its ignition serves peace at its forefront without cohesion of class. Then I veto for not only its flagship rather its self awareness.

  4. That was the idea behind the UN at the outset. It would never work because all the powerful countries in the world right now ( The U.S, U.K, Russia, China, France, Germany etc) would never want to give up all the power over other countries they have right now. Thats how the UN security council was created! The powerful countries couldnt exactly handle true democracy in the UN.

    The UN has been used as a bludgeoning tool by the powerful nations in the world for decades: China has used the UN to deny Taiwan an nation for half a decade, the US used the UN to deny Iran prtoection from Saddam when Saddam attacked Iran & killed almost a million people in the 80s, yet used the same UN in the Gulf war and the second war against Iraq. etc...

  5. No.

  6. Never. Throughout history, the governments or leaders of the world have caused a lot of damage to its people.  That much concentrated power is bound to create huge disaster. There is no checks and balance to its power. Even if you put a benevolent leader, that is still not a guarantee that the leader will not make a mistake. Decentralization is always the best way of governance because it guarantees people's freedom.

  7. No way hosea~!  We pay enough taxes as it is!

  8. No because nationality is part of our individual identity. Revolution against a world government would be impossible because you would have the whole world against you. For a government to remain true to its people it must always have the possibility of being overthrown.

  9. Unfortunately the public will never get the chance to vote on this issue. If it ever happens it will all be done in on the sly and without our knowledge

  10. No.  Why would I want Mexico or Zimbabwe (or Canada for that matter) to have a say in how I live my life.  Most of the rest of the world is really screwed up, I don't what them telling me what should be legal here in the U.S.

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