
Whowood stay at skool 2 a other 2 years or no ? plz helpme?

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i dont know if i want to

but iam goin to stay 4 the frist year then idont know if i wantto saty 4 next one




  1. 2 more years and you might learn to construct a sentence.

  2. I think you need basic skills English lessons rather than school

  3. Ignore those unkind answers, and keep doing your best. School may not seem like fun some days, but it's so important to get a good education before you leave that I would advise you to stick with it as long as you can. I know someone in a similar position to you who did stay on until she was 18, took and passed some GCSE's, and got a great job afterwards. Good luck!

  4. Education is a really important part of life. Without it you will be reduced to doing low paid work and living on a pittance for the rest of your life. A little hard work for the next two years will save you a lot of hard work for the rest of your life. Go to school and get an education.

  5. It's all about doing what you think is best for you.

    The key word is DOING.

    The only reason you should stop going to school is because you cannot do two things at once, and you have to stop going to school in order to do another thing which you consider is more worthwhile, and better for you.

    You must not stop going to school because you don't like it, or because you can't be bothered, or it isn't cool.

    The day you stop going to school you should start DOING the new thing that you want to do instead.

    If you don't know exactly what you are going to be doing in preference to going to school, then stay at school until you have sorted out what better and more useful thing you will be doing immediately after you leave school.

    Too many people leave school, and lie around the house all day, maybe can't find a job, or don't know what they want to do.

    Don't do this. Don't leave school until you've firmly organised what you will be doing when you leave school (this includes college). Discuss what you've organised with other people, and ask them if they think it is a move upwards to better things, or whether it is a move into nothing just because you don't want to go to school.

  6. You need to go back to primary school and learn how to spell.

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