
Whr can i do 10+2 physics nd maths open exams.i hav done 10+2 in arts nd nw wanna go 4 pilot guys

by Guest67173  |  earlier

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i have finishd my 10+2 but in humanities(arts) nd now want to go for a pilots license but physics nd maths of 10+2 in necessary. i want to find out that which institute can i go for 10+2 physics nd maths exams nd get a mark sheet for that??? help me out frndsss. its really imp




  1. --In which country?  Spell out your words.  Tell us all what "10+2" means.

  2. We can't tell you much, because we don't know what country you are in.  Your best bet is to contact the Air Ministry or Aviation Agency in your home country.  They will be able to tell you what the requirements are.

    Good luck!

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