
Wht cant Durham freecycle owners get my meassages posted?

by  |  earlier

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I joined the Durham freecycle over a month ago, but when I posted my first mesages,they didnt appear. I contacted the owners who said "something must be wrong with your registration", ( YAHOO had sent my confimation of registration, it was ok), then they said "your email address must be wrong" ( YAHOO had sent confirmation to it so must be right !), I kept trying to get them to sort it without success, they even said they weren't sure why ( and this is the owner!!!), and now , I've sent another couple of emails ( polite and courteous),and had no response at all, they're obviously ignoring them. Can any body shed any light on it please?




  1. You may not have associated your email address with that group.  

    Go to the group's website and try to sign in.

    If you can sign in, near the top of the page, click on "Edit Membership".

    Then scroll down to Email Address.  Under that, see if the correct email address has a dot in the circle in front of it.  If it doesn't, just click on the blank circle in front of the correct one.

    Then click Save Changes.

    That will take care of the problem.

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