
Wht do you hate Hillary Cinton?

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  1. Hate is too strong a word. I would not chose her for pres. because she makes promises she can't keep, switches positions depending who she is courting for votes <makes me feel she doesn't have convictions of her own> & I don't care to have Bill making deals behind the scenes.

  2. I won't get into all the scandals and dishonesty, so i can keep it short

    Hil recently said Obama was the establishment candidate.


    spewing BS like to help themselves is what the Clinton's are all about. Dishonesty and misdirection to doop voters is what they do best.

  3. I don't hate anyone, including Hillary Clinton.  I do however think Universal Healthcare will RUIN this country.  Long waiting lists to see Doctors, some elective surgeries not being available anymore, her speech about garnishing people's wages to pay for it...something needs to be done but this is not the answer.  The vast majority of American don't trust the Federal Government and now they want the Feds to be responsible for their HEALTH?!?!?  Makes no sense to me at all...

  4. I don't.  Here's why some may resent her, though:

    Hillary's supposedly in the lead, yet she had to loan $5 million dollars to her own campaign.  Being out of money was supposedly why Edwards had to drop out so early; yet Hillary who supposedly has all this support but obviously doesn't, or she would be raising the most money!

    She's also lost all but one caucus to Obama so far--probably because caucuses are harder to rig when your votes are made in front of other voters (not in private on optically scanned ballots)!

    She's taking more money from defense contractors than any other candidate--including the Republicans.

    Source:  Google this article (cut and paste this).


  6. Every wonder how Hillary came up with $5 million?

    Read the article and decide if you really want somebody like this running the country.

  7. She have said that he supports War against Iraq

  8. I don't

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