
Wht drugs or alcahol makes you the most happy or high in a good way???

by  |  earlier

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I'm kinda wondering i might try it i do have problems dont we all mostly experiment I'm not an addict and my family has no addicts in the genetic pool, thank Q




  1. Sounds like you are a minor. Go for a walk. When I was a teen, I smoked a lot of pot, and to this day I believe that helped me. It also helped me get pregnant at seventeen, because I was the happy go lucky 2 drinks and she's out of it party girl that loved everyone and everyone loved. I'm glad it's over. Now I just go outside and sit on the porch.

  2. caffeine

  3. just smoke weed

  4. cannabis is my favourite drug because its just the least hassle by far, its relaxing.

    if you want pure happiness, MDMA will give you that temporarily, but it will result in a very depressing comedown to make up for it. i'd really do some research before taking MDMA so you know about it and what to expect. overheating is a risk, o is drinking too much water and messing with your kidneys.

  5. I would say Marijuana but its just a plant not a drug so...

  6. You shouldn't need any drugs or alcohol to assist with happiness.

    If you aren't happy in the first place then drugs and alcohol are merely going to magnify how bad you feel and you will end up spiraling out of control.

    My advice though, avoid alcohol, stick with all natural things.

  7. All of them except alcohol.

    Do NOT mess with


    Crack Cocaine


  8. weed rocks !!!

  9. methampethamines...if you could get your hands on this you'll be HAPPY...haha!!

  10. sour apple martini's

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