
Wht happens if you f**t in your wet suit?

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I know it's a stupid question but since the suit is air tight, does that mean it's going to stay like a bubble untill you open it up?




  1. It means when you move the stanky air is going to creep up your back and roll out around your neck....and then you are gonna smell it.....HAAAAAA.

    Actually, this is true but wetsuits are not at all airtight.  The concept of a wetsuit is to let in "some" water which warms between the inside neoprene and your body thus creating a layer of warm water.  The wetsuit thus remains fairly flexible and the you don't chafe to the wetsuit/neoprene.

    Dry suits on the other hand would tend to keep your stinky air trapped inside and give you a nice present when you get back to shore!

  2. it will go up from smewhere. that´s the meaning of the phrase: " se fué ´pa arriba como pedo de buzo"

  3. I wouldn't call a wetsuit "airtight".  They are snug, but they are also designed to allow some water to enter the wetsuit (and by default will let some water out of the wetsuit).

    Most of the time, the bubble will work its way out of the wetsuit while you are moving around.

  4. if u have a really big f**t, the air bubble comes up pretty fast, and guess where it comes out?  thats right, the neck.  so all that f**t smell comes right up in your face.  i recomend against mexican food with coffee for breakfast before a sesh ;)

    a little while ago i was out with my buddy at a crowded spot north of santa cruz city, and he let out a f**t while laying on his board, and it was the first time i had ever heard a f**t through a suit, and i was not the only one to hear it.  pretty funny.  but apparently if you are laying on you board with your butt out of the water it is possible to make noise along with the smell.

    ah, what a great combination: farting and surfing...

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