
Wht is the nicest thing you have ever done, to anybody....?

by  |  earlier

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or for anybody.... but particularly For anybody.

And also what is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?!




  1. I donated bone marrow even though I was really scared of the pain.

    My clients came to help me salvage what could be after a flood in my home.

  2. This lady couldn't afford her medicine for her baby so i told the cashier to add her medicine to my shopping and i paid for it. Then i gave the woman $60. (By the way, I'm only 17 and am still in school. I make less than $200 a week with my part time job).

    The nicest thing anyone has done for me was asked me how my day was. It let me know that they cared.

  3. This one time i picked up a hitch hiker in my car and then he put a gun to my head and asked me in the nicest way if he could have my car,

    so i was like, eh what the heck, seems like the poor could use a car, so i handed over my car... along with my wallet, my jacket, my shoes, my watch and my half eaten burrito.

    im just happy to see a big smile on his face.

    the nicest thing done for me was when my brother let me have his girl friend all because i had a crush on her , also he had a thing for her twin sister, so it worked out for us all.

  4. always helped other out who were in need of something,

  5. Helping my friend to finish her HW until 10 PM!!!

    that's the only thing i could remember^^

    the nicest thing someone done for me is..

    my parents!!!

    always so patient taking care of me...

    my father ever search for a medicine for me at 3 AM when i had stomachache.. he went here and there in an island when we're on vacation...


    my friend ever helped me to search my book and spare her lunch time for it...

    that's only something i remember,,  but i believed that many people have been so nice to each other...^_^

  6. Giving up someone I truly love for my best friend.

    He loved me, I loved him, but she loved him too and most of all, she loved him first.  So I backed down, I distant myself from him.  It wasn't easy, and to this day I still think about him.  I dunno whether that was the nicest thing, but it was the hardest thing.

    Nicest thing I did to anyone is being frank and telling telling the truth-- pointing out their weakness yet advising them how they can improve.

  7. I give advice to people and I help them out when they need it. Also, I just spend time with my friends even if they say they don't want to, I do it anyway. The nicest thing someone has done for me was by sticking by my side for 2 years (still counting) and never leaving me, never fighting with me, and making me feel loved.. My boyfriend.

  8. someone gave me a ride when I was walking in the rain. I don't really like to toot my own horn so I'll keep part 2 of the question to myself. I just hope whoever I help out in the past, present, or future does something nice for someone else.

  9. Slapped people who needed it.

    Just kidding! That was a joke!

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