
Wht r some economic story or articles.?

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-0-someone plZZZ offer some articles about 2008 U.s Economic articles.





    Uncle Sam could face serious economic setbacks in 2008.

    With the start of 2008 many economists are indulging in their old habit of predicting the future performance of the American economy. Despite some bright spots, the New Year is not very bright for 300 million Americans and there are areas of concern that cast a shadow of ambiguity over the US economy, AlJazeera has quoted a number of economists as saying. Most predictions focus on the likely continuation of oil price hikes in 2008, with the $100-a-barrel of oil looming on the horizon.

    This increase in energy costs makes transportation of goods and traveling more expensive for Americans and a $4-a-gallon gas price is not quite out of reach.

    Many economists predict a recession, albeit a mild one, for the US economy in 2008. This slowdown in economic activities provides less employment opportunities and could increase the US government's transfer payments.

    The $1-trillion loss in real estate values caused by the steep drop in home prices could easily see a threefold increase over the next few years, Robert Shiller, economics professor at Yale, predicts. "This is a much bigger issue than sub-prime. We are talking about trillions of dollars' worth of losses,” he adds.

    The lower value of the dollar, on the other hand, could continue having short-run benefits of lowering the huge current account balance of the US with the rest of the world. But even in that case the US must be concerned about its long-term effect if the trend continues, reinforcing the highly likely prospect of the dollar gradually losing its reserve currency position for other nations.

    It is worth noting in this connection that a number of OPEC producers are already considering dropping the US currency in their oil transactions and looking for alternative reserve currencies.

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