
Whta does your venus sign mean?

by Guest63213  |  earlier

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and how much influence does it have on a person?

more influence than the moon sign?




  1. Hello Ruth

    Venus in a woman's chart describes her attraction for the opposite s*x.  

    Ex.....Venus/Gemini would show that this woman would want to attract an intellectual man and one who would enjoy her brothers, sisters etc.....

    Any stress aspect to Venus would indicate an emotional problem.

    Moon in a chart shows how individuals will conduct the home life. Any stress aspects to her shows domestic problems can interefere with professional responsibilities.

    Moon also rules the subconscious mind and andy stressful aspect would point out a meed for emotional discipline.

    Finally, Moon indicates our likes and dislikes, feelings and emotions. It indicates the sum total of our makeup such as memory, reason and reflection.

    As you can see, Moon is more inner feelings and Veus is what you express outwardly. The element these planets are in would indicate if their would be conflict or problems such as Moon in Fire and Venus in Earth.

  2. It has to do with your ability to love. Basically, what kind of person you are in relationships.

    Astrology is what you make of it. It's not significant if you don't want it to be.

  3. Astrologically speaking, Venus is the planet that rules our aesthetic taste and sense of viewing matters. It is more of a social planet and its energies are more apparent in social situations. In a nutshell, not only does it represent our ability to attract love, it also determines the type of mate whom we are attracted to.

    This may or may not resonate well with the Moon needs. Hence, if the Moon and Venus are well aspect in an individual's chart, he/she will find that whom he/she attracts is very much in sync with the type of mate needed emotionally.

    I wouldnt say that it has more influence than the Moon fact, the Moon in astrology is given more prominence than Venus (since this is essentially a social planet). If the Venus & Moon signs are not harmonious, then in general, the individual will live out the Venus influence in the younger days and with maturity, the Moon needs should come more into concern when he/she is ready to settle down in a long-term commitment or marriage.

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