
Whtas your veiw on homeschooling?

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I think it should be illegal!




  1. it's good

  2. Home schooling has a place for some situations, but i feel that good home schooling can actually be better than public or private school.  The major disadvantage is that there is no interaction with others their age and the social aspect is missing from their lives.  Certain children may be better off with home schooling than public or private schooling.  Children with High IQs may be a good example.  Also children with certain disabilities may be better off with home schooling too.


  3. homeschooling i think is fine for some  but the kids have no interaction  with  kids their own age  i think this is a big issue  the only other thing i see wrong is most of the parents are dumber then dirt so how can they teach  they should have to take some kind  of testing

  4. There is absolutely no evidence to support making homeschooling illegal, IMO. Look at kids in public school-- it is hardly a garauntee of success; more like hit or miss. Why should a parent not be allowed to take their child's education in their own hands when the public school's records are hardly outstanding.

    Parents should have a choice.

  5. Home-education rocks!

    Family based education or institutionalised education...there's absolutely no contest in my book.

  6. homeschooling isnt for everyone but can be better than public or private. you can work at your own pace, and get it done without the interruption of students.

    but some people can just be lazy, and not do any work and in homeschooling sometimes they get better grades of people that went to private or public schools.

  7. I Luv it! Bu it is not for every one! I think it is wonderfully social! and gives me higher grades! an dmore friends then EVER!

  8. im kind of homeschooled, my school is on the internet. and i hate it! i dont have a real teacher, i never learn anything, i think i might fail the 8th grade because i dont understand the work. My mom doesnt understand it either and im pretty much teaching myself stuff i dont know. and i have to stick to this thing an entire school year because they sent me a computer to use for the school year so i have to hold on for 4 more months and 13 days and i have to take the oat i dont know how im going to do that if i havent learned anything. homeschooling was the worst mistake of my life!

  9. I think I am so happy that I am educated enough that I have the ability to do research. This research has shown time and again the undeniably exceptional results of homeschooling-the majority of homeschoolers go on to college, unlike their publicly schooled peers. the majority of homeschoolers STAY in college, unlike their publicly schooled peers. Those alone should be enough to make a believer out of anyone-yet couple those with the fact that there are TONS more stats out there that show that homeschool benefits are simply amazing, as well as the fact that when challenged on here by myself but a few months ago NOT ONE SINGLE NAYSAYER WAS ABLE TO PRODUCE ONE VALID STATISTIC OR STUDY TO SHOW THAT HOMESCHOOLING HAD A NEGATIVE IMPACT ACADEMICALLY OR SOCIALLY.........while homeschoolers can produce studies that show that positives all day long......

    Obviously, homeschool doesn't work for everyone. But to take it away from those it DOES work for? That is SO Big Brother. Example-My son is 17, homeschooled and has been accepted into college to study psychology. However, when he was in public school he was failing miserably and was suicidal-the teachers in his overcrowded school simply had no TIME to help him, and frankly they didn't CARE if they could help him. If it were not for homeschool, there is a good chance my son would have NEVER caught up or been accepted to college.

    I mean, if you just WANT to believe stereotypes, then OK. But if someone is interested about the TRUTH concerning homeschool, they could NOT walk away with a negative opinion when confronted with FACTS instead of stereotypes unless they were truly ignorant

  10. Some kids like it, some kids dont.. its up to the kid and parent.. sometimes i wish i was homeschooled, but me being shy,and really unable to do any oral reports or anything w/out freaking out  is the only reason y.. but i liked going to schooll to get just out and have friends and just be there(tho personally i didnt like the learning bit lmao)

  11. Why should it be illegal for parents to have a say in their kids education?  Should we make it illegal for parents to raise their kids alone before they are old enough to go to school?  After all, the pre-school years are when the biggest chunk of learning takes place.  What happens from birth to five years old (for the most part) determines a child's outlook on life, their social skills, how they learn, their likes/dislikes, what about all that?  

    I was doing basic math and reading chapter books by the time I was old enough for kindergarden.  Would you have wanted me to go to school like every other kid and 'learn' my ABC's?  My parents did not have the money for a private school so that was out of the question.  

    So here are my questions to you:

    ~Why do you think homeschooling should be illegal?

    ~What would you do with a kid that was at a 1st/2nd grade level but was kindergarden age, and private school was not an option?

  12. Every educational situation is different...but in most cases homeschooling is not always a successful way of granting your child a complete education.  I have seen one family, so far, that has homeschooled from K-12 and I would agree it was successful... the children "went" to school every day in their basement which was set up as a classroom.  When mom was in that class she was teacher...not mom.  The children were involved in MANY extracurricular activities.  I've seen where homeschool was a necessity because of living so far away from a public school... and I've seen where homeschooling was necessary because of medical reasons.  But overall... something in the education (which is much more than cognitive) is missing... usually the social aspect or knowing how to deal with real-life situations.  Like one indivdual told me... public school may be seeming be getting worse and worse...if you are an involved parent in your child's education...your child will succeed.  Just some food for thought.  Better for your children to experience some of these real-life experiences and to make poor choices now while they are under your wings than to wait until they are an adult to experience them and not know what to do.  At least while they are young you can mold them into the right pattern.  They are going to be exposed to everything one way or another...whether young or old.

  13. same dont learn nothin

  14. As a teacher, I have had many students come to me from homeschooling.  Most of them have been straight A students, so I am incredibly impressed by the efforts of home school parents.

    The rest had such low skills that I often wondered if they actually had any quality education.  I had one 9th grade student who had 2nd grade math and 4th grade reading skills.  Oddly enough, I have not yet had any in the middle achievement levels.  They have all been at the very top or the very bottom of the class.

  15. If you went to public school or private, that is a mark against them since you can't spell.

  16. I am now homeschooling my girls.  I will tell you why I chose to do so.

    A.)  My oldest daughter when enrolled in kindergarten came home crying every day because the kids called her names, pushed, hit and kicked her and told her she was a freak.  I had several conferences with the teachers and principal about it and they said they were unable to control all of the children and I should better prepare my child.

    (my daughter was born without her left hand)

    B.) Her teachers informed me that although she seems smart and bright she is not learning anything.  (she does all of it at home, but won't at school)

    C.)  Since pulling her out of school, my daughter has been so much happier.  She is eager to do work, we go to the zoo, the park, the museum and she is so awed when she realizes this is a part of school. (never would she have learned at school the things she does with me)

    I don't have to send in permission slips for field trips and she will never miss a day of school because she is sick.  My girls learn at their own pace and we can take week long breaks without hurting their schooling if they are sick or need time away from it.

    My oldest daughter is at the 3rd grade level for lots of subjects and is still supposed to be in Kindergarten.

  17. home schooling, i think,  is a great thing. it's not that popular cause most parents want the kids out of the house. i also think that home school kids get a better education, not to mention all the drugs and s*x that they won't encounter going to public schools. that where kids learn most of their bad habits.  i think the public schools should all be closed down. teacher, for the most part, has no control over their class rooms nor the ability to teach. when the government took the authority away from teachers and parents, they should have never told the kids, that's where it all went wrong.  the government don't care for our kids, they only did that to enroll more counselors in the school system.  when control is taken away from parents and the school, the kids are left with no guidance. God knows that kids has no control over themselves.........

  18. That's like saying you think that parenting should be illegal.

  19. My view is that homeschooling is optional, but for some people they have to go to home school. Either way, most people still go to public & private schools.

  20. It works for some, and not for others, just as public school works for some and not for others.

    I am glad it is not illegal, and I would fight the law were it to be made so.

  21. Home schooling can be a wonderful experience.  There is so much more opportunity for socialization than in public school.  You get to meet all kinds of people of all ages, not just be forced to sit in a room with 25 other kids your same age that you are not allowed to talk to.  You get a much better education, and many more college and career choices.  The only bad part is dealing with ignorant people who are under the impression that home schooled kids are unsocialized.  That shows how ignorant they are.  Home schooled kids actually learn how to think and problem solve, not just memorize answers for test taking.  The only kids that truly are "no child left behind" are home schooled.  Public school just passes kids on without making sure they are learning, where home schooled kids actually will work on things until they learn them.

    Why do you think it should be illeal?

  22. one major probs is that the kid will have one less place for socializing and looking for frends.

    there are pros and cons...

    whatever suits the parent and agreed by the children at the same time, that it'd be a gud choice for them.

    dun need it to be illegal.

    there people which doesnt have a choice but to take homeschooling...

  23. Home school can be good and bad:


    *Stay out of fights and problems with peers

    *You dont have to hear some much of Vulgar languages

    *It gives you a better chance of learning rather than sitting in class with students if your afraid to ask questions.



    *You dont make as much friends

    *Sometimes staying home cause people to go crazy

    * Borin borin borin


  24. Homeschool ROCKS and some people cant go to school because of illnesses. so i think its a wonderful thing!!

  25. Hmmm it depends. It's really sad if the kid lives a sheltered life because of it. I mean, I'm homeschooled. But I have friends who go to public school, I go to a lot of shows and so on. I mean I love it. It depends on what the kid wants really.

  26. Gee, thanks.  It's great that you have such a firm grip on the constitutional rights available to people in this country.  Maybe we should all have to register with the state church, have the government assign our careers, and have Congress assign each family a handler to make sure their kids are being brought up appropriately?

    There is nothing in our laws, nor will there be, to take freedoms such as this away.  America was originally founded on the ability to govern ourselves and work together, on different people being able to unify in order to form a strong nation.  In order to do that, we all kind of need to be different, no?

    (Various other countries work the same way when it comes to education.  I mention America because you use the American term "homeschooling" rather than the overseas term "home education".)

    If you take away our constitutional freedoms - education being one (it is the responsibility of each state to form their educational laws) - you take away what makes America, America.

    Glad that you want to make everyone into little factory models (who apparently can't spell for beans)...but when you grow up, you'll understand that not everyone learns the same way, and not everyone should be in public school - schools aren't set up to be able to teach to every child.  Homeschooling isn't for everyone, but it should be available - just like public, private, and online - to those for whom it is the best choice.

  27. Why should it be illegal? Or should I say, Why do you hate it? A lot of the times kids turn out to be smarter and very well rounded.

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