
Wh@ts ur f@vorite sn@ck?

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i love ice cream :]

give a compliment to 5 people on this pg. or someone u know from yahoo!answers that might not be here right now.

tell me ur sun/moon/rising if u kno what they are :]





  1. Mountain lion. >_> ...or caramel popcorn.

    1. Emmie: Hands-down the most adorable YA! user EVAR.

    2. Whisper: Great taste in multiple forms of art.

    3. Veggie: Everything this section stands for. Knowledgeable in astrology and cozy to be around.

    4. JVZ: Dante? I loved the DMC series when I was still playing video games. I'm American, eh, but I've always admired your army. Thank you in advance.

    5. JDis: You're new here, aren't you? Part psychic with the way she described me. Welcome to Horoscopes. Very outstanding avatar and I hope to get to know you more.

    Queen Rach: I could elaborate but umm... I've always idolized people based on whether they can balance flash and substance. Rock Star manages to do that consistently and has become the one person I've looked up to the most here on YA! The quill of this bard would be less proud to dance for another queen. ;)

    To Shady Butterscotch: Why'd you delete the other question...? Was it because of what I said cuz... I hope you didn't take what I said the wrong way. Tell me if what I said there offended you. Be honest.

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

    To Whispy: Doesn't matter much if anybody else got it. I gave that answer with you in mind and since you got it, all is well.

    To Shady: Oh! /faceplam You just experienced first hand how I got the nickname "Silly". I become so scared that I hurt someone that they say "It's okay, silly!" I saved what I told you in the other question.

    Shady Butterscotch: Shady's never boring. I never had a problem opening up to her when she asks questions because I like them. She allows me to be just as silly as I want. You see her lashing out at people but I always find it cute when she does. She's actually insightful and kind-hearted. She's one of the coolest Capricorns I know. =P

    Sorry I... couldn't resist to take out my friendly jab... XD... I'm just kidding, okay? =)

  2. chicken

  3. My favorite snacks is fresh peach or any healthy friuts or beef jerkey.

    KK Emmie!! ...aww ..why only 5?? there are so many.

    1. Emmie- you are so awesome with your questions about cheering people are so compassionate about others and I love that quality about you. Also, you are really confident and nice!! I love your pisces moon..hehe (wonderful personality)

    1. Veggie- She is fun, interesting, and she plays a role like a big sister to you and rachstar from my stand point. She is NOT two faced like how people stereotype geminis. She is very loyal, caring, and very true to herself. She has great spunky attitude and very strong will. No one messes with Veggie. And She loves her animals and her siblings with passions.

    1. Rachstar- Shes very understanding, fair, smart, caring, loyal, intuitive, ambitious, and talented. I love her dark and evil side of her. She has great musical ambitions and very disciplined. She is also one of the most romantic person I've ever met in my life. And I noticed that a lot of people on YA looked up to her.

    Not to mentioned that you guys are all beautiful, s**y, and gorgeous!!!

    And I like other people too like shady, silly JC...etc.


    I love Ice Cream!!!!!! *High-Five


    1. Emmie- You're just so...innocent. And kind, and helpful and sweet. You don't like fighting. I think your bubbly personality is the thing that makes you a part of my top 5. You probably wouldn't hesitate to give whatever you owned to a friend in need.

    2. Rach- I'm her fan. She's doesn't care if people don't like her opinions. She speaks her mind anyway. She's a really ambitious person who loves ice cream. She's not one to be pushed around. I wouldn't mess with her. ^_~

    3. Silly JC- I think he's really sweet. Sort of like the type of person you would go to first with a problem. He's not really the sort of person who would start a fight for no particular reason. He has good taste in books as well.

    4. Shady- She just has the best personality. Not afraid to say what she thinks, I think she's cool!! She kind and sweet, even if she doesn't show it =P. She's not afraid to yell at people who she thinks are being unfair.

    5. Veggie- Lol. She's funny. I like how she really tries to help people out when they need support. She's usually calm and cool. But, if you mess with one of her contacts, she'll go physco on you =P. She's probably one of the most loyal people I've ever talked to.

    Virgo Sun

    Sagittarius Moon

    Sagittarius Rising

    *For everyone that I didn't mention, I still appreciate you guys, I could only pick 5.....

  5. Cape Cod Kettle Chips!

    1) Veggie must be quite a beauty! I bet she's cute

    2) Tril must be a chilled cool dude. King of Cool

    3) Whisper...umm...You're Female so you must be Beautiful! lol lame.... : D

    I suck at this I'm only doing 3....

  6. Gemini sun

    Scorpio moon

    Leo rising

    I like salad...? Hehe :D

    Ok.. Here I go

    Emmie - She's a great person. I love how shes always trying to make someone happier, or she tries to make everyone have more confidence. She was there for me when I was sad. Shes easy to love, she has a great imagination and makes a wonderful friend

    2. Rachstar because she has a wonderful personality. I like how she has a dark side to her. Whats not to love about her? Friendly, gorgeous, caring, and lazy (in a good way) lmao.

    3. Archy because hes so sympathetic and easy to get along with. Its hard not to love him. He makes a great husband hehe. He's also there for me when I need him, so I thank him.

    4. Whisper because she gives the best compliments, and shes super friendly, shes easy to love. Theres so many compliments I can think of! Friendly, beautiful, fun, enthusiastic, creative, and soooo much more. Love you!

    5. Shady because she has lots of spunk, her personality is wonderful and shes also easy to love. I love reading her answers and answering her fun questions. Shes creative, has awesome avatars, and I'm there for her any time ;)

    lol :)

  7. COOKIES!!!!! 0_o

    1 whisper - you rock

    2 emmie - your beautiful

    3 veggie - your brave

    4 silly jc - your hott

    5 johnny van zant - your a good friend

    6 tril - your fun

    i just took a good guess at all of them xD lol!

    pisces sun/ aries moon/ aries rising

  8. ok

    silly jc: great sense of humor and always knows how to make me laugh. he may not know how appreciative i am of his answers. He is my favorite pisces with VIRGO MOON.

    whisper: a really loyal friend i am so glad to have. we kind of immediately bonded and she proves all those stereotypes of a virgo to be wrong. I love her avatars, and she's really interesting to know.

    Veggie: very trustworthy, veggie also proves all the stereotypes of a GEMINI are wrong. she is not childish, and definately not two faced. i love how her scorpio moon gives her a darker side, and she made me feel so happy reading how she defended me when odd ball was posting that c**p about me.

    Rach Star: She reminds me alot like myself. Although she is much more mature than me and ALWAYS has an avatar that makes me go, "woah.....nice." She knows just how to 'say it like it is' and not give half a rat's hoot if anybody cares.


    cancer sun

    aries rising

    taurus moon

    d**n it! this is so hard...i can't choose just 5...i'm still choosing who will be the last person i compliment..

    silly jc: nah, u didnt say anything. it got reported. hehe. looks like some kill joys felt like being jackasses today. wasnt ur fault. no worries ^_^

  9. butter almond or butter pecan ice-cream

  10. Yes, Ice cream!!! Go ice cream!!! : )

    Veggie: She's awesome. She's beautiful, tons of fun to talk to, has a strong will and a strong heart, and doesn't let people push her around. She's got a lot of spunk and personality, which I admire. You go girl!

    Emmie: What a great person she is. Sweet, pretty, caring, full of ideas, and always great to talk to. She's got a lot of charm and a wonderful personality. Love ya, girl.

    Arch: What can't I say about this guy? He's smart, funny, strong, ambitious, always willing to listen to my rants, and he makes a kick a** husband too, hehe.

    Whisper: She's friendly, cool, fun, smart, and always thinks of some great questions and answers. She's an excellent addition to the YA horoscope family. Keep doing your thing!

    thinNtall: My favorite Sag with Leo Moon/Gemini Rising. She always has great things to say, and puts a lot of thought into her answers. She's got charm and wit, mixed with a sweet personality, and a lot of confidence and strength of character.

    I also want to mention Shady: She's a great new addition to the horoscopes section. She's got a lot of spunk, and has a very magnetic personality. She's not afraid to speak her mind, and she always has a great way of looking at things. Love her questions and answers!

    Thanks Silly JC: You're creative, good humoured, and always a joy to see on Yahoo. You always know how to put a smile on my face.

    If I didn't name you, that doesn't mean that I don't think you rock! I just had to pick 5 er...6..7. I send my love out to all my contacts!

    Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising

  11. Pies...and fruits!

    And ice cream.

    And chocolate.

    And ruffles.

    And Lays.

    As long as it's sweet/sour/salty,I love it! :D

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