
Whut is the correct way of breathing while i run the mile or 5k race??

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Whut is the correct way of breathing while i run the mile or 5k race??




  1. Take deep, full breaths, don't pant or gasp. Don't worry about counting steps or breathing in your nose and out your mouth.

    Focus on forcefully breathing out, rather than sucking in the air.

    This will help you get a full exchange of air.

  2. In through your nose, out through your mouth. . at a steady rhythm based upon the pace at which you are running.

  3. they say it is best to breathe in through your nose deeply then deeply back out again through your mouth, nose mouth nose mouth

    its rythm

  4. I'm going to go against most of the people here:  There isn't a "correct" way of breathing.  I analyze my breathing, for example i know that when i'm running at pace, i have a certain pattern to my breaths, BUT i don't try to control it.  I find it doesn't help.  Also, the "in through the nose, out through the mouth" only seems to help joggers, as I've never been able to use that on a recovery run and especially not in a race.

    breath however comes natural, just don't pant like crazy or you'll want to stop.


  5. Well... I usually think of a song. But when I'm not listening to music, I breath out, in spurt, in spurt, out. It helps you keep good oxygen flow the entire time.

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