
Whwre i can get short formulae on mechanics?

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Whwre i can get short formulae on mechanics?




  1. It'll be a question whether you wanna know the short formulae of Mechanical Engineering or you wanna ask about the Mechanics Part contained in Physics. If the former is asked then you should consult the book of Khurmi (Mechanical Engineering by Khurmi) but if you want to know the formulae of simple or introductory mechanics then those will be the following:

    For motion in one dimension:

    v=u+ft (v=final velocity, u=initial velocity,f=acceleration, t=time taken for the change of velocity)

    s=ut+1/2ft2 (s=distance traversed)


    st=u+1/2f(2t-1) (distance traversed at t-th instant)

    For force:

    P=mf (P=force applied, m=mass of the body)

    p=mv (p=momentum)

    Impulse of force=P.t=m (v-u)

    Law of conservation of linear momentum: m1u1+m2u2=m1v1+m2v2 (mk=mass of k-th body, uk=initial velocity of k-th body, vk= final velocity of k-th body)

    Coefficient of restitution: e= (v2-v1)/ (u2-u1)

    Frictional force: F=μR (μ=coefficient of sliding or static friction, R=normal reaction force)

    μ=tanα (α=angle of friction)

    Work with all this if needed. Along with it, if you need the formulae for rotational motion or any further about statics, just mail me once. I shall be at your service. Sorry for the ugly formatting in yahoo! Do check your spellings while typing. Best of luck.


  3. SUVAT equation

    s = ut + 0.5 at^2

    v^2 = u^2 + 2as

    s = 0.5 (u+v) X t

  4. From car mechanics

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