
Why, every time I drink a glass of orange juice I become light headed, dizzy and get a headache?

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It takes me about 30mins or so to recover from drinking anything with vitamin C. Even apple juice, pine apples, etc...




  1. "Light-headed, dizzy and get a headache..." ALL sound like hyperglycemic or diabetic reactions to me.  More than half the Type II diabetics in this country do NOT know they have the disease, so please go get yourself tested by your MD IMMEDIATELY!  You've identified the problem as a reaction to Vitamin C, but it may actually be the natural fruit sugars you're reacting to, not the Vitamin C.  Fruit juice may just be to high in sugar and too concentrated for you, even if you are NOT diabetic.  Also portion size for juice used to be 4oz, which is half a cup, a pretty small amount.  Most people customarily drink 8oz in this country, and many people drink FAR more than that.  How much juice are you drinking at a time?

  2. It sounds like you're allergic to Vitamin C or something else that those juices have in common. If they are juices bought in the store, it also might be sugar content (as many juices in stores have added sugars, it could be a Hyper/Hypoglycemic reaction), one of the preservatives or other chemicals used in processing the juice. I would suggest talking to an allergist or at least a regular MD if it's a big deal for you (or at least so you'll know what to avoid in the future). Good luck!

  3. Take some of the advice already stated. Particualrly, getting your doctor to check your fasting glucose levels for diabetes, and ask for the results as it may be boderline diabetes, more common nowadays, yet in the 'safe' range.

    If you get the all clear for diabetes, then check for Candida Related Complex.

    Also it is best t experiment, {after being checked out by your Dr.}, try freshly squeezed orange juice made at home, and see if you have the same reaction, keep the bits in, as this regulates the absorption of the natural sugars, thus preventing insulin spikes, which prevents headaches, feeling dizzy/light headed.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Are you taking in too much sugar?

    Ask your doctor about Hyperglycemia maybe?

  5. Sounds like you have a sensitivity to Ascorbic Acid. Since you didn't say anything about eating the fruit, I'm going to assume that you don't have this reaction to natural, fresh-squeezed juice made at home.

    Almost every fruit juice in the grocery store now has 100% of the RDA of Vitamin C written boldly on the label. Some of us wish it didn't, because they're adding Ascorbic Acid to it. Even if they don't add the supplement, just heating the juice to kill the bacteria and bottle it turns the natural mineral ascorbates into the acidic form. And now almost all juices are made from concentrate, which makes them even more acidic.

    I would guess that you also have a hard time finding a multi-vitmin that doesn't make you sick. Look for the best brands with either Ester-C or a mineral (calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc) ascorbate for the Vitamin C instead of Ascorbic Acid.

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