
Why, from the knee down do i get pain when it's cold?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since i was little this has happened to me. It's a weird pain and it only goes away with heat. When i was little i use to wrap up my legs in tons of blankets & i kind of do the same to this day.

When its not even cold.. but i just get a tiny chill from a breeze i start to feel the pain coming to i quickly get into some blankets. It can be hot, but ill catch some breeze on ankle and the pain starts to developed slowly.

I have gone to the doctors about this; Got x-rays, they didnt see anything.

Had blood drawn and tested, Everything was negative.

They asked me a lot of questions but it didn't fit anything, Really they just looked at me like i was crazy as if i was making it up. After that i never went back to look into it more.

Sometimes it take awhile for the pain to go away. I know i jump from one thing to another but just trying to describe as best as i can.

Maybe someone goes through the same thing i do?




  1. Sounds like a rheumatoid condition. Ask your doctor if he/she thinks glucosamine would help.

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