
Why, if prince phillip is married to queen elizabeth, is he not the king of england?

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some please explain! thank you!




  1. England only has Queens.

  2. He's called "King Consort".  He's not king in his own right just as many queens in the past were "Queen Consort".

  3. As the throne belongs to the queen her husband can not be a king as that would out rank her.

  4. The King of England is hereditary title and cannot be assumed by marriage.

  5. In the British monarchy, the husband of a female monarch does not have any recognized special status, rank, or privileges. In actual fact Prince Philip does play a major role in royal affairs, but this is not recognized in terms of his title. Interestingly enough, the wife of a male monarch (e.g. the Queen Mother was the wife of King George VI) takes on her husband's rank and style upon marrying, becoming Queen.

    The official British Monarchy web site offers more details about the royal spouse. Prince Philip is the son of Prince Andrew of Greece and was born Prince of Greece and Denmark. Upon his marriage to then-Princess Elizabeth in 1947, Philip was given the title "Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich," and was made a

    Knight of the Garter. (He became a British citizen around this time and renounced his Greek and Danish titles). Elizabeth II was coronated in 1953, and in 1957, she granted Philip the title "Prince of the United Kingdom."

    So, though his current princely title is a gift from his wife, he was really a prince from birth. But only his son, Prince Charles, has a shot at becoming king.

  6. Prince Phillip was like number 48 in line for the Brittish throne before he got married.  His second cousin once removed priccess Elizabeth was 1st in line.  And he gave up all his titles and rights to thrones before he married her.

  7. The Queen was the next blood line down.

    The throne is given to the next in line blood wise.

    EG: Queen Elizabeth's father was the King and so his first born (or first son ) is next in line. He had two daughters...Elizabeth and her sister Margaret. In the absence of a son, Elizabeth, his first born, became Queen.  

    Even when she married, he became the Dukes but not King.

    Our present Queen has three sons and a daughter. The first son is Charles and he is line to the throne. BUT he now has a son of his own, William, Charles first born son. And so now William is second in line to the throne and Charles siblings miss out...

    Complicated isn't it?!

  8. He cannot be called the king because he married into the family. The king or queen title is only given to a heir by birth to the throne. If the queen dies, Prince Charles would become king, not Phillip

  9. Philip was not the HEIR to the throne;Elizabeth was heir to her father, George VI. She is Queen REGENT,the MONARCH. The title of Queen Regent is the highest title in the UK,now, and no one may bear a title that is higher than the Queen's. "King" is considered a title higher than "Queen." Philip,who is of Royal birth(The Royal House of Shlessweig-Holstein-

    Sonderburg-Glucksburg, and third

    cousin to his wife, uses the title of Prince Consort,the title that a man who is the spouse of a ruling queen in the UK may use. Only the Queen has powers to reign;Philip is simply a spouse who will take on any job the Queen and government wish him to take.The Queen is quite happy being monarch and has no wish to share her powers so there is no need for a king in the UK.

    It would also take an act of Parliament to have Philip proclaimed a king-even if it were the title king-consort,for husband of a reigning queen:the title king-consort is not used in the UK.

    Also, when a man marries into a royal family,he does not automatically assume a royal title. Usually he is granted a non-royal aristocratic title,like Duke or Earl.Philip was born a prince,so the Windsors had no problems granting him the HRH designation,ebenthough the foreign-born Philip had given up the designation to become a British citizen.

  10. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, therefore, her husband Prince Philip is her "Prince Consort." A prince consort, generally speaking, is a common term for the husband of a Queen Regnant, unless he himself also is a king in his own right.

    The Queen may also bestow upon him the title "King Consort", which is entirely at the will of the Queen. King consort is a title given in some monarchies to the husband of a queen regnant. Nowadays, it is a symbolic title only, the sole constitutional function of the holder being similar to a queen consort, namely to produce an heir to the throne.

    Spain, Portugal, England and Scotland have all had kings consort; however, since the rank of king normally outranks that of queen, in most monarchies the queen's husband is given the title of prince or prince consort instead.

    Note: In the British monarchy, the husband of a female monarch does not have any recognized special status, rank, or privileges. In actual fact Prince Philip does play a major role in royal affairs, but this is not recognized in terms of his title. Interestingly enough, the wife of a male monarch (e.g. the Queen Mother was the wife of King George VI) takes on her husband's rank and style upon marrying, becoming Queen.

  11. Because HE is not the son of the previous king of England, George VI, Elizabeth is his child.  The title of monarch of a country only goes to the husband of the daughter of a king in fairy tales.

  12. Because there is no title of King consort in england.  You can only become king by inherting the throne.  You can be a Queen by marriage, but not a King.

  13. Succession to the throne is regulated by an Act of 1701, which limits it to members of the Hanoverian dynasty.Queen Elizabeth was in line Phillip being Greek was not.

  14. I guess whatever one said. He married into the family?

  15. Honeslty I have no idea but usually I would say yes.

  16. She is the eldest daughter of the last king. Philip is related to her only by marriage. There was no throne for him to inherit.

  17. It's sexist, but the truth is, a King outranks a Queen.  Elizabeth is the monarch, the head of state, so nobody can outrank her.  Therefore, Philip can't be a King.

    When a King is in power, his wife is called Queen (because the King is  still senior in rank), but she is really a Queen consort - not a true reigning queen. She is not head of state or a reigning monarch.  She is merely the wife of the monarch.

  18. There is only ever a Queen, or a King. There is never both at the same time. Phillip is technically Elizabeth's "king". However he is not actually involved with the decision making. When Elizabeth dies they wont even consider Phillip's family, they will go straight to the next hair in Elizabeth's line. When one of the sons become king and they get married, their wives or not The Queen. There will be King.  Never both.

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